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Dan #2

Rare Mg And Gmail Invites

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Hey, figured i'd do it in one shot. I've got Gmail invites that i can share with whoever needs them. NF$ appreciated.


AND, i was wondering if anyone could hook me up with:


Matthew Good

4 Minute Mile (is there a high quality version, i have a shitty live one...)


Should've Been A Super Villain




Rodchester Kings

William Sits In Avalon

The Jangolier

Full Moon In Pisces




Subjugate me

Daddy's got a Brand New Van



and Angry White Americans.. the Jack and Merle Show


In exchange, i could give gmail invites, or NF$ or sexual favors...


Edited by insober
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The Matthew Good and Rodchester songs you want do not exist in any music format. As far as I remember, there's one copy on a tape somewhrere. Needless to say, it's not going to find its way onto the Internet. The Matthew Good songs are pretty much the same, and the only version of 4 Minute Mile I know to exist is the live one.


However, I have the BonTempo and Jack & Merle stuff. IM me, and we can figure it out.

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