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I think the Hub should be closed. The point is to be able to help out trading. Yet, it does the opposite. Instead of helping trading, the people who have access limit trading further. They whore it. This is like communism where someone meant to do something good for everyone, yet in the end they made the problem worse. By people having limited supplies, they are more likely to trade. The reason for that is because they want to have more songs, more people trade to gain more songs, they're forced to trade with others dispersing the songs more evenly. Slowly, generally more people seem to gain songs because they are not pooled into one area but in many different areas.

i have sacrificed a lot of time and money to record MG shows, and i enjoy spreading the music to all the people who want to hear it. I started the hub back in may, running off my computer, in the hopes that many other matthew good shows would appear and that we could get some sort of order. -> also, i wanted it to be a place where anything new... ie. the new demos by matt and ryan.. could become available quickly. due to my busy schedule i had to pass it off to bloodflame. he has done a good job of running it. If you and other people are having problems and have suggestions, you should be emailing myself or bloodflame. Honestly, i don't want any matthew good fans to feel left out or be pissed off. It seems that alot of people don't like the 250mg minimum. Some of the Ops on the hub have discussed getting rid of this.... personally i dont think its really necessary. If this is the major deterant of getting on the hub, then i think we should probably scrap it. As far as the software not being able to run on your computer, i dont think theres much we can do about that. I guess you'll have to hook up with somebody who does have acces, and get the files through them. also, i know some people are thinking of starting some weekly torrents, which would also help the "sharing" problem you speak of. also i'm sure some people, including myself would be willing to do some B&Ps for you. i dont want the same crap to happen with what happened with other hubs-- ie. the smashing pumpkins hub......

my email is [email protected] if you wanna contact me



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