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Sound Check

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You gotta watch-out with sound checks, they don't let people in (remember the regina incident a few years back)... but as I understand it, the whole band has to be there so the sound tech's can set the levels and such.



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That is the worst part about being away from home this term, is I'm going to miss Mardi Gras.. its the best party of the year and to top it off Matt Good is playing.


For those who don't know Mardi Gras is Halloween weekend where they essentially rope off the infmaous George Street (about I dunno 60 bars? in a few hundred feet). You pay cover for the street ($10 I think) and can walk in and out of any bars, see the concert, etc... Craziness,, anyhow there is a little stage for musicians in the middle of the street. During Mardi Gras everyone is dressed up too. I guess the only downfall is that everyone isn't a Matt Good fan, since most go for the party rather than the band.. there have been unpleasant incidents... with Sloan for example, but I'm sure it'll be fine. Hope it does't rain.


Anyways, that was long ad kinda dull.



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re: soundchecks - at the edm. show i walked right into the venue (Red's) at about 2:15pm and the stage was set up and the sound and lighting was being tested. i watched regulars like Joel on the scene, but then i left cuz i needed to get back to work (was onlyon a luch brake) as i was leaving the venue (assuming the band wasn't there) i ran into Pat who was just entering the venue. he was totally cool and talked for awhile. then Rich arrived with his bag about 15 mins later. so hopefully that helps you out with band arrival times.

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