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So What Should I Do?

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Guest apsham

So yeah, over the past couple of years it's been really odd for me. I'm very sensitive, yeah so sue me but anyways, I went through a whole thing a couple of years ago now that was very stressing on me and I ended up starting to see a therapist. Things got better gradually, but I still had my up and down days.


Well these days... with school, work, relationships, family life and the like all weighing me down and my bad days becoming more frequent as well as me hating my perception and how pessimistic I am.... I basically think too much.


But anyways, my family has a history of thyroid problems that my mother wanted to get checked once. It fell to the wayside and recently... I want to know if that's what is wrong with me. It seems whenever I bring it up now that they either mock it... or get mad about the idea. I think they think that having a son on pills is disgraceful or something like that.... they write it off to me being a teenager... but I am getting so sick of it.


Are they right... or should I get it looked at? This sounds so lame. >.<

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obviously get looked at. its your body and you have to deal whats going on in that head of yours every day.



i dont know the whole story, but what it seems to me is just your attitude is in the wrong place. you said you think about things too much and you're naturally pessimistic. everybody has to deal with the daily stresses of life, only your positive mental attitude can get you through it.

Edited by one_trick_pony
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Guest apsham

Well it's odd... my day is on a sliding scale. Recently I have been waking up with this feeling in my chest already there that today is going to be bad and it's extremly hard to get over that wall. If I have a good day, it usually puts me into a better perspective by the end of it. But yeah. My perceptions a big problem. I hate change and this is one of the most changing parts of my life right here, right now... I've had a hard time dealing with seeing the people I grew up leave and such. Nothing feels the same, and that's scary.

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I kinda know how you feel about wanting to get stuff checked out. I was always told that it is your right to ask for tests and stuff from your doctor but I always felt strange actually doing it. But, it's your health so it is up to you to ask to be taken care of. Get whatever tests you think you need and then, hopefully, you'll have your answers.

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Guest apsham

Let me say this as well... today is going good and the feeling should be there, the feeling that I had when I was younger that this is a good day. But... it just hits me like... still depressing and that bothers me so bad. Everything's going good right now but I still feel a little tinge of life isn't really worth it. Odd... I know.

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See a doctor before you see a therapist. You never know what chemical your brain is producing more of than it's supposed to.


Edit - Then again, you're looking for advice at The Bored so do whatever the fuck you want.

Edited by Dan #3
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Alex i understand what you mean, and i would reccomend getting everything, mental well-being and thyroid, checked out.You might as well, it costs you nothing but time.


I don't know you that well, but it could be just being your age. i'm only like six months or soemthing older than you, but i used to feel like that a lot, and what makes me think it's your age is the whole change thing. I fucking hated leaving high school and everyne behind and i still sometimes think that my best years are behind me, but i think a lot of people do. I think that's why a lot of guys revert to being immature douchebages in Uni. They just desperately want to be 17 again.


Don't get mad at me for saying this, but I also think that your parents are being douches for mocking this or getting mad. Your health is your entire family's responsibility. Everyone should be looking out for and trying to help each other. That and do they know you're sensitive? I've gone through a lot of shit with my mum, and i am fairly sensitive, and i have a shitty relationship with her. i don't even have problems with her now, but things just are not the same.


It's enitrely up to you in the end, but if you're worried, check yoself before you wreck yoself.


I'm getting my apartment at the end of april. If you wanted, you could come up here for a week or whatever, we'll just chill out. Just sometime to hang out and not really need to do anything.

Just an idea, it's up to you.

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Guest apsham

It's odd really for the whole family, I'll give a run through of my problems and see what you people think. I hate doing this though, but anyways:


School: School over the past few years went downhill for me. I never really worked all that hard, but after some stuff happened a while back that got me initially upset, I have been trying but I am just not getting some of the subjects. My grade 11 year was bad, since that was when my world seemed to crash down, even though before that I was having these moments of thinking "Holy shit, I'm not young anymore" etc. and one thing that bothers me about school is that all my older friends and people that I was used to seeing everyday, poof, gone. I have to pass all my courses this year, and as electives I have to take courses I am NOT good in, like Physics for one. But... the guidance counseler is helping me cut some slack.


Family: Family life has been different since a couple of years ago I suppose, when my aunt brought a new bastard kid into the family. It just messed around our whole family pretty much and with the other stuff happening at the time, I feel jaded by it. I've never had a family member die... yet, and my great grandmother is really close. Come to think of it, she's deteriorated really bad and... just being around here is being kind of hard (I am at my grandparents most every day) and since my grandmother ends up relying on my mother for a lot of things, she's stressed a lot as well and that leads to her being cranky, and dad being cranky because she is.


Work: I hate my job, and I hate it more everyday I go to it. It used to be alright at first, but then people that I worked with that I liked either left or got fired and now I am just left with aquaintances. To make matters worse, everyday I go... something odd happens with my stomach where the food that I ate comes up and I have to spit it out, sometimes it has stomach acid coming with it. On the long nights that we work (5PM - 2-5 AM) it ends up hurting... very bad and I generally end up having to go home early, which I feel bad\ashamed about.


Relationships: I suppose the therapist started after my relationship of a year and a half fell apart, but it was because of an intrusive mother and it was really... quite an interesting series of events. Anyways, I've drifted left and right since then and now the girl that I am taking to prom, well I just sort of fell into something with her, but I end up worrying about it a lot. Like everything it seems, I end up worrying over unecessary things that most likely will never happen and yeah, it's just not as fun as it should be. We're not together, but everytime that I am supposed to see her and things along those lines, I'm too anxious to really enjoy it and the like. She's a real full-of-life, outgoing person whose intelligence I am attracted to and the like, ahh.. it's just odd.


General: I can be having the best day, but it seems like every morning I wake up with this odd feeling in my chest. I look out the window on a sunny day and I reflect on when I used to and it doesn't feel like it used to, and that just depresses me. I am worried about the way I am, I don't want to go through my life like this but I know that I'll never feel like I did before. I suppose I reflect on the past a lot sometimes too. Like... why can't I feel the same about this that I did _________________ and why can't I feel like ______________ anymore.

Edited by Shotgun Wedding
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Guest apsham


* Increased sensitivity to heat and cold

* Sluggish reflexes

* Dry puffy skin, especially on the face, and hair loss, especially thinning of the outer 1/3 of the eyebrows

* Depression (especially in the elderly)

* Fatigue

* Increased need for sleep

* Muscle cramps and joint pain

* Paleness

* Irritability

* Infertility or difficulty becoming pregnant


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your thyroid has nothing to do with emotions. It's a gland that releases thyroxin which stimulates your metabolism. If you were over or under weight, had too much energy or were lathargic it would be because of your thyroid.

I didn't click on the wikipedia link below your post but maybe that cleares things up.


Your thyroid most certainly can cause emotional problems if you aren't producing enough. It can cause pseudodementia which is kinda like a depression.


Everyone should at least have baseline labs done. I just had mine done today cuz I blacked out in the shower at the gym last week. I'm awesome.

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Guest apsham

Yeah, I think I have persuaded test to happen but either way... I am just tired of feeling down when I really have no reason to be.

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