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My Plan For World Domination

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That's right Pinky, I'm planning to take over the world. I have no desire to sit in the figurehead's chair. I appoint myself Minister Of Propaganda. Sparq is the Minister Of War!!! Az shall be Minister of Technology!!! We have several positions open, feel free to nominate yourself, and be seconded. I think Anton should be the one in Dictator's chair.



The first item on my agenda is to build a Secret Underwater Base, and to design and build giant Submarines to use for transport. Then we'll need prefab bases to setup in conquered countries. Someone contact Destro and order us some Terrordromes.

Edited by bishopx
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The following would be needed;


- Ninjas. Never know when you need a quick assassination.

- Voodoo Priest/Priestess. Never know when you need a quick re-animation after an enemy ninja assassinates your figurehead.

- Shotgun. Never know when you need to quickly kill some zombies after a voodoo re-animation ceremony goes horribly wrong.

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Quick thinking, you have just been named Minister Of Defense. I would have had one of those Voodoo Priestesses resurrect Reggie White, but you think outside the box. And Anton would look impressive as a Zombie Dictator.

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What's garsk going to re-educate people for? How to fuck up short form with possessives, or lack of Capitalisation? In my vision of the New World Order correct conjugation is key.


Oh snap.

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As Minister Of Defense you will have to work in concert with the Minister of Internal Security to insure that all will be subjugated to my will, without question, and by any means necessary.


Any takers for the Internal Security Minister role? This will involve torture? "THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!!!" Timbo, you interested?


Shiri is nominated as Minister Of Salad Bar/Chick Procurement.

Edited by bishopx
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The breakdown and collapse of the written language among the proletariat is crucial to their subjugation.

We'll have to get right on writing the Newspeak dictionary immediately, as well as strictly enforcing the death penalty on thoughtcrime. Breaking down the family structure, removing pleasure from sex, and rewiting history are part of the agenda too of course.

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Maybe a new religion that has the great leader(s) as it's deity(ies). What's better than having absolute power? Having absolute power and being worshiped.

Yes We will be the deities. They will bow before our awesome goodness.


There will be a for just breakfast. I don't like my bacon all alone. I'm going to need some eggs, sausage, homefries, toast, pancakes, and strippers with that.


The revolution will be greasy, muddy, and involve jello. Shiri, getting the chicks for this is you job. Think of yourself as the revolution's Official Devil On Rollerskates.


Bohica shall be our Minister Of Finance and Transportation(Read Hot Cars)


Lauren will our Minister Of Wardrobe, That's right Tiny Dancer, Seamstress for Revolution.


Christine shall be Minister of Culture and The Arts


Owen will be Minister Of Fitness(and annoying Meg)


Meg shall be Minister of Talent Development(and being annoyed by Owen)The people will adore her and they will call her the Minister Of Cuteness.


More appointments to come

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I have also chosen to anoint myself, Minister Of Crazy Sexiness, as I have been informed that I will be getting terminally sexed up, as soon as arrive on scene at the hot girl's house. We will also be adding new words and phrases to the Dominion's(Not the Jem H'ardy Har Har's) lexicon:




Crazy Sexification

Cosmic Freakiness

Sexual Chocolate


We shall call our new religion, The Church of Crazy Sexiness...and Shiri will be providing all of the Ministers with Salad Bar fixins...

So go forth Minister Shiri and procure us much babe-age so that we commence to sexifying.


(Sadly, I'm going out of my mind with boredem as I conduct interview after interview today, so please forgive me.)

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I was thinking we should have a chief Salad Tosser(See Tossed Salad Man) Someone want to lure Ecnarf out of hiding? He can also be chief Cakefart and Puddingfart cleanup guy. As a famous French Woman once said...let them eat Cake(Farts).

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daniel, what in the everloving fuck are you doing in this gay ass thread? IT MUST BE ALL THOSE DOOBIES YOU KEEP BURNING.

Ah there she is, welcome to the fold Mrs. Jesus. Every great regime needs a thorn in it's side, or ass...

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