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Has Anyone Ever Noticed...

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...that fat girls always list "sports" or a myriad of physical activites under their "Interests," "Activities," or "Hobbies" sections when filling out personal info?


Who are they trying to fool?


(I don't know what sparked this, and it may be a bit assholeish, but I'm genuinely curious.)

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:S that's pretty harsh, dude.


As a curvy girl, I certainly enjoy a lot of physical sports, like longboarding and surfing. I may not have the best stamina, but I love it enough to list it as an interest or hobby.


Just because we don't all look like we're in peak physical condition, doesn't detract from our enjoyment of an activity.

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Tracy: It's totally rad that you do. I just hate when girls are obviously dishonest about it.


It's up there with girls who list "video games" under their interests, but then have literally never played anything except guitar hero.


Charles: Hahaha, indeed.

Edited by Prometheon
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I HATE Mario Kart Wii. I worked at a camp for 6 weeks this summer and we had a "Wii Room" with just that game. Teaching thirty grade 2s how to play Mario Kart is literally hell on Earth.


I would love to see a woman that plays Madden, or the Marvel Co-Op games like a pro. She'd totally be my bestfriend forever.

Charles, me and you in a Marvel vs. Capcom 2 throwdown. I'd destroy you.


...probably. It's been awhile.

Edited by Prometheon
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