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The Cover Of Raygun

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considering that only one eye and a hairline are visible, i'd say you're fucking reaching, man. but whatever makes you more confident in your assertion.. i think it looks like my boss.

Edited by saturnine
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It's as much a likeness of Lee Harvey Oswald as it is a likeness of Han fucking Solo.


Reaching is putting it mildly.


It's a man, with his whole face covered.


I'd say it was a pretty cool picture that Matt, or one of the guys saw somewhere and said, "Hey this is cool. Lets but it on our next album cover, pass the bong."

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and dammit, now i want a cover art tattoo!

i'm getting the gunman from the Strange Days single in about a month. Search, there's a thread on it...

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RE: raygun cover


amy guip, cover artist: "He is my old room mate. some 18 years ago. John Kuczala"


now shut the fuck up with all this kennedy bullshit. congratulations to whomever decided to tattoo someone else's roomate on their chest and pass it off as oswald.

Edited by saturnine
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