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Battlestar Galactica Season 3

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am I the only one that thought the finally was all over the place? it wasn't enjoyable, the whole 3rd season has been lackluster. the music was kinda cheezy(although it fit the story) everyone's a cylon? that's about the only thing that makes sense.


I though cylon's knew the other ones - boomer/6 whomever would know the other ones?



heheh hell ya TNG!!! the best sci-fi show ever.

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Looks cool, Anton!!!


Dan, the season was written this way. Everything was leading to the finale...it bogged a little in the plotline development at the midway point...but it was obviously meant to be that way. It was so worth it, it made the suspense at the end so much more intense. There was a lot of #3 in the middle, and Dude...I'm all about the #3

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I'm not arguing that one, I didn't care for it either. It did generate some good stuff though...Starbuck's crash on the Algae Planet, and the tension between Apollo and Sam, and Dee going after her...which is one place where I think they failed...that moment was a chance to really develop Dee as a character...and give her a stronger role...

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One the one hand, since it's their last season, and they have a lot of ground to cover, hopefully they won't have time to do many stand-alones (It's at it's best durring the multi-part arc's) at the same time, there are a handful are really bad writter that are just not right for the show, which both held down last year, and are still schedualed to write next year, so...

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I've been watching the boards...I think, RDM will be driving the writing team more...it was obvious that he backed off a bit last season...


They've got a bigger budget this season...because they need to make the pitch for a movie franchise...Sci-Fi has learned it's lesson from their failure with Farscape.

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I really hope RDM is writting more this year. I always hate it when great show creators who write the best episodes of the series just kind of fade away by the end of the series, getting busy with other projects (ie. Abrams/Alias, Whedon/Buffy...)


EDIT: God I miss Farscape.

Edited by Zukiki
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