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Matt Moving To Ny?

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What's wrong with inspiration? As much as I disagree with the US invading Iraq, you have to admit that even the war has 'influenced' a lot of artists right now (Matt, U2, Green Day, Sum 41, Eminem, etc...).

Sum 41's "Chuck" was named after a U.N. worker who helped the band out of the Congo when a war or a battle broke out there. They were there filming something for "War Child" when the war or a battle broke out getting the band caught in the crossfire. I wouldn't be surprised if they used that for inspiration somewhat instead...

You're right: the album was named after Chuck, the UN worker, but the album is partially influenced by the War in Iraq as well:



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i'm mean because i hate matt, and i think he's a lying sack of shit. i also think his wife is a ditz.

It's funny how you can hate Matt and say his wife's a ditz when you don't know either of them and know fuck all about them...


Some people need to invent themselves lives I guess where they actually know people! You must have a great fantasy world!

Edited by Prosis
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Yeah but you caN't really expect anything positive coming from JM...


Although surprisingly he's holding back cos he could've been meaner

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Just gave off the vibe.


Anyway, from what I've read that Jenn writes, she seems ditsy. Whether or not you can judge a person by what they write is up to you, but that's all a board or a journal is and so that's all we can go on.

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I wouldn't marry or condemn someone over a message board. But if we're judging, we have to judge them by something, right?


Personally, I like to judge a person by their political stance and sense of humor. But that's just me.

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Why do we have to jugde at all?


Why can't we just let others be and leave it at that? Especially if that person is just posting fun stuff on a blog for their entertainment and the entertainment of others?


If she wasn't Matthew Good's wife then you probably wouldn't give a shit, no offence to Jenny, so why is it such a big deal what she writes and does?


And if you judge someone by a sense of humour, then I'd think you'd have good opion of her because I think she has a great sense of humour. But then that's just me.


And a religous vibe? Jesus fucking christ. How's that? ;)

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Then may I ask what are you doing on this message board and on this site for that matter?  I'm not trying to be a dick or start an argument.  Just curious...  forgive me.

there are other forums on here.


...And if this "Scot" person wants to send me a photo of him/herself, I would gladly put it up, so that he/she didn't have to look at my mug anymore.


should i send her a picture of myself?


no doubt matt will edit it with his extensive photoshop skillz. ;)

Edited by Scot
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Judgemental comments are made in the hopes that someone, particularly the person to whom they're directed, will respond.


Actually, come to think of it, any post whether it's constructive or nonsense is written in the hopes that someone will read it and respond in some way. I wouldn't be writing this right now if I wasn't hoping someone would read what I'm writing and then offer their insight on the topic.


For someone who can think of nothing better to do than write insulting comments, the ultimate reward is recognition by the person to whom they directed their insult. We witnessed this time and again on the mblog, and now with the interaction here between Scot and Jenn. Acknowledging the offensive person by name, and resonding, is the best way of ensuring this behavior will occur again. When Matt responded to undesirable behavior by withdrawing the comments feature, he inadvertantly rewarded the behavior, as the goal in the first place was to get a response.


For those who own dog(s), we know the best way to discourage a particular behavior is to ignore it. I'm not comparing anyone to a dog here, but the same principles can and do apply to human behavior. If someone writes: "so-and-so is *insert offensive adjective here*", and everyone ignores the comment entirely, I think the jeuvenile antics could be forced into extinction.

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i honestly didn't think she would see what i said, and didn't really care either way.


this is a messageboard. if you can't handle people with opposing opinions then maybe you should run along back to your mothers womb.

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i honestly didn't think she would see what i said, and didn't really care either way.


this is a messageboard. if you can't handle people with opposing opinions then maybe you should run along back to your mothers womb.

Once again people seem to confuse words "opinion", "uneducated bullshit" and "blatant insults" for some reason...


Here's a hint


"Jennifer's a ditz": Uneducated bullshit and/or blatant insult


"Matt's music is shit": Blatant insult


"I don't like what Matt has been making since AOB": Opinion


And what you can think of Jennifer or Matthew as people is irrelevant and will always be uneducated bullshit because you don't know them at all...


See it's not so complicated to understand!

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