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Dan #1

Bush and Gore

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The last American election for President was close, and it is believed that mr. bush ran a very "dark" campaign to help him win...


My question is this (seriously now) ... How would things be different if Mr. Gore ended up winning that election? Would the world be a different place? Would less people be mad at America?


It will be interesting to know what you think ;)


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So you are saying that Mr. Bush is the only factor that allowed the war to fully pull through? Or that Mr. Gore would try and solve the matter in a different way... i know Bush was out against Iraq on a personal level (with his father and all...)

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I'm not exactly sure... Gore was Clinton's man so Mr. Gore would've learned something from him. IMO Clinton was a good President, I liked him. Gore may be a little cheesy but he's more of a peace man than a war mongerer.

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no, he's just running the most powerful nation in the world...and has about half the worlds nuclear armaments at his finger tips, the control of the most advanced military hardware, and who knows what biological and chemical weapons. He also indirectly has virtual control of the worlds economy....HAHAHAHAHA isnt it just wonderfully hilarious how much he could ruin the world(sarcasm)....parker your a nob

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The things that Bush is capable of doing can effect the whole world, and have, in a extremely negative way. He doesn't have "charisma", what he has is the most powerful nation in the world, with the most advanced weapons and the largest armed force, at his fingertips. How anyone can be anything less than enraged and terrified at and of him and his administration, is completely beyond me. I'm with Boond, parker, you are a nob.

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amen anton amen


whats scary is people our age will be able to vote shortly, and none of them know anything...can you say hello pot party?

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