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okay.. i need a new ringtone and i have no idea what to get. i'd like to get one that have like actual music and voices (truetones, realtones etc. they have different names). i'd like one thats mostly recognizable to the average over-hearer. there is an issue with availablity because a lot of music hasn't yet been put into ringtone form or if it has it might be only available everywhere but canada. this seems to be true a lot of the time..


so let's brainstorm.

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When I finally decide to buy myself a cellphone there's one tone I will get for sure and I think it'd be amazing:


Super Mario Theme.


Do do do do do do do!

While I was at a Volly Ball Tourni lastyear, one of the score keeper's cellphones whent off, with that ringtone. So, me, being the one who takes things too far, started dancing, and singing it. I made a complete ass out of myself, but we won the game.




My personal favorite rington (the one I have) is this guy's voice saying "Dude, pick up the phone. Dude, Pick up the phone! Pick up your fucking phone! Damnit, are you having sex again?"

Then my voice mail picks up. It's great in public places, like the bus, or a movie theater when I forget to turn it off. Or in the school hallway. It also went off in class once.


Good times.

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