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Nachoooooooooooo Libre

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Hey, so i saw nacho last night. It wasnt bad, but definalety not as good as i expected. 3/4 of the funniest parts they put into the commercials, so it kinda wrecked it for me, but holy crap there are still lots of laughs to be had. Jack Black is sweet in it, and his mexican accent isnt very good, so it is even funnier.



Anyways. it is a good flick if you are up for something dumb. But i dont recommend paying 10.95 for it. or whatever it costs where you live. wait till video.

Edited by Ryan44
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I wasn't very impressed. Like you said, most of the funny parts were in the trailer. There were other parts which were even funnier in my opinion, but even those parts didn't save the movie. The majority of it wasn't very funny at all, the fart jokes were aweful, and I think fart jokes can work, so I'm not just being snobby. There was more wrong with it, but I feel like I should be living in my parents basement if I'm going to complain this muh about a movie online. So, some funny parts, but overall pretty shitty. I wouldn't recomend paying for it.

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i thought the funniest part that wasnt in trailers was.


SPOILER (Highlight to View)
the part where stephen throws the corm cob and it goes into the guys eye! i laughed so hard, and i kept thining about it the rest of the movie.
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ya I don't get why they put all of the funny parts into the trailers of the movies, why pay the money when you can see the funny parts for free.


anyways.. I think I'm looking forward to the new jackass movie.. there always good for a laugh

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anyways.. I think I'm looking forward to the new jackass movie.. there always good for a laugh



i thought steve-o would have died before they could have gotten a 2nd one out.

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Guest jsunC

wow this movie must really suck. I found all the parts in the commercial to be stupid, so i'm gonna assume i would hate the movie.

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i saw this last night



i enjoyed it. i tell people, if you liked the humor in Napoleon Dynamite (not crass, easy going, dialogue delivery humor, cheering for the loser) you'll like this one.

There was humor in Napoleon Dynamite??

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I had the feeling of a "Wes Anderson" movie while watching Nacho at the drive in last night. It was okay, but Jack Black's best of the year is coming out around November "Tenacious D: Pick of Destiny". That's going to be crazy.

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i saw this last night



i enjoyed it. i tell people, if you liked the humor in Napoleon Dynamite (not crass, easy going, dialogue delivery humor, cheering for the loser) you'll like this one.

Oh geez, that just makes me want to see the movie just THAT much more.


Why did people think Napoleon Dynamite was funny? I didn't think it was funny at all. I wanted my $5 after I rented it.

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i saw it the monday after it came out. theatre was packed. there were more laughs from the previews than from the movie, as ryan stated, all of the good parts were employed to whore out the movie in tv trailers. if i hadnt seen tons of previews for it in the 6 months leading up to it, it would have been great.

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