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Late Night With Conan, Letterman, Leno, Fallon, Ferguson, Etc

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I thought I was dreaming but this was real.



But yeah, I can't wait for Conesie to back on air but I'm conflicted with watching the Colbert Report during his time slot. Letterman was also my choice of Late Night talkshow as well, what are you going to watch?

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none, conan's usually the funniest but none of them are funny enough for me to consciously tune in regularly. Ferguson in particular is boring. Leno and Letterman have some funny bits but nothing so mind blowing you gotta tune in. The interview portions of the programs are totally lame too.

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I prefer Conan's monologue and shorts, ferguson's interviews, lettermans musical guests, and nothing about fallon or leno is worth watching. So if I'm up late enough I'll start with conan after watching letterman's musical guest, and occasionally flip to ferguson. Leno and Fallon are terrible, I'd rather watch last call with carson daily.

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first 5 years of conan, fantastic..........i don't know anymore.

I'm sure he will replace Leno very well.


When Letterman retires, who's going to replace him????

Edited by sodamntired
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my money is on jon stewart. he's totally dave's protege. i don't think ferguson can fill dave's shoes like stewart can.


letterman is my fav, simply because he's a classy fucker. he's gotten to the point where he can do anything he wants, and not only is he allowed, but it's funny. he's a great interviewer, and has been since day one. the musical director for the show is top notch, booking incredible acts--- not only that, the bands that play sound incredible too (unlike SNL). leno is too canned, too corny and too polished. i like conan, but i don't think he's at the top of his game right now, although he will provide some serious competition for letterman. ferguson is good but delivers the kind of inconsistent material that will keep him in the late late night slot. but some of his monologues are facking amazing. he's at least trying to do something different, which he should be commended for. fallon needs to loosen up, because right now the best part of his show is his house band.


and jimmy kimmel will go on being unmentioned...

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has anyone stayed up late enough/bothered to watch carson daly's show lately? it's in a "new format" where he's basically touring the country and interviewing people who fall outside of the usual celebrity category. the other night he was in seattle, and interviewed a DJ at KCRW and it was actually quite interesting. so he's got that going for him, and the actual look of the show was quite different. who would've thought that carson would be forward-thinking? this probably wasn't his idea, but i like how bugetary constraints have now forced him into a much more interesting situation. he lacks a bit in the personality dept., but makes up for it quite nicely with the deviation from the standard late-night-show model.

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I usually watch Carson in his new format. It's only 30 minutes long and because it's so low budget he does get to interview some interesting people. His music guests have been pretty decent as well.

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