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Historic Statement From Bush...

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OMG, after years of G.W. Bush and his admin defelecting responsibility for the errors in the war on Iraq, and never firing anyone in the CIA or his admin for the WMD intelligence errors etc., Bush yesterday took personal responsility for some of the errors in the response to Hurricane Katrina.




Bush accepts blame for rescue mess


President says crisis shows U.S. may not be ready for terror attack


Sheldon Alberts

CanWest News Service


Wednesday, September 14, 2005


WASHINGTON - In a blunt assessment of errors made in the emergency response to Hurricane Katrina, President George W. Bush yesterday acknowledged deep flaws in the country's ability to respond to domestic crises, and said he accepts personal responsibility for failures in his administration's handling of the disaster.


After insisting for days he wanted to avoid the "blame game," Mr. Bush said the hurricane not only exposed problems in domestic preparedness, but raised questions about whether the country is capable of handling another major terrorist attack.


"Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government, and to the extent that the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility," Mr. Bush said at the White House.


His comments came a day after Michael Brown, director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, was forced to resign for botching rescue and relief efforts.


The White House announced that Mr. Bush, back in Washington after a two-day tour of flood-ravaged New Orleans, will address the nation tomorrow night from Louisiana about the pace of recovery and plans for long-term reconstruction in the region.


"I want to know what went right, and what went wrong," he said when pressed by a reporter about whether the disaster revealed vulnerabilities in the U.S.'s domestic defences.


"I want to know how to better co-operate with state and local government, to be able to answer that very question that you asked -- are we capable of dealing with a severe attack, or another severe storm?" he said.


Democrats have criticized Mr. Bush for underestimating the crisis in the first days after the hurricane. He initially said no one had anticipated the failure of New Orleans' levee system, despite widespread reporting on its vulnerabilities by media and emergency officials.


Mr. Brown, the FEMA director, was also unaware for days that 25,000 refugees were stranded without food or toilets at the New Orleans Convention Center, the emergency shelter that has become symbolic of the breakdown in civil order.


I can't believe what i just read, after all the crap he keeps saying defending Iraq. Was Bush's spin-doctor on vacation when he said this or something?

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Just because he said that doesn't mean much.


Let us all remember, "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."


Sure, he assumed responsibility, but only as far as the federal government's failure went. I think it's pretty much clear that the government in control of the world's largest military (which was still completely capable of assuming rescue operations immediately after Katrina had passed) which was asleep at the wheel for a full week should take full responsibility for all lack of delivery of emergency services.


Besides that he can say that he'll accept full responsibility, but I highly doubt he's prepared to suffer any punishment for it.

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U.S. President George W. Bush writes a note to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during a Security Council meeting at the 2005 World Summit and 60th General Assembly of the United Nations in New York September 14, 2005. World leaders are exploring ways to revitalize the United Nations at a summit on Wednesday but their blueprint falls short of Secretary-General Kofi Annan's vision of freedom from want, persecution and war.

Credit: www.reuters.com


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Just because he said that doesn't mean much.


Let us all remember, "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."


Sure, he assumed responsibility, but only as far as the federal government's failure went. I think it's pretty much clear that the government in control of the world's largest military (which was still completely capable of assuming rescue operations immediately after Katrina had passed) which was asleep at the wheel for a full week should take full responsibility for all lack of delivery of emergency services.


Besides that he can say that he'll accept full responsibility, but I highly doubt he's prepared to suffer any punishment for it.

I wasn't aware the US had control over Chinas military. I'm just being a jerk, sorry.

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LMAO, tonight's edition of "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" mentions the exact same thing in my topic here!


At the beginning of the show they showed a clip of Bush from his speech saying "...and to the extent that the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility". And then Jon's eyes go all bug-eyed like he's in total shock (like i was) of hearing what came out of Bush's mouth. lol


So watch the Daily Show tonight. Its on 11pm ET on Comedy Network and 12:05am ET on CTV.

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Yah even though Bush says that he "assumes responsibility" he won't be held responsible. Its a PR move to somehow help his approval, if he is seen as taking responsibilty and action for the inaction weeks beforehand, then the artificial polls will hopefully (in his opinion) rise in his favour.

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It's not like his approval rating even matters anymore.

Haha, can you say "lame duck"? Even the darling of the religious right in the Senate (Bill Frist) is trying to distance himself from Bush by now supporting stem-cell research - there's a word for that...what's it called? Oh yeah. Flip-flop.

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Just because he said that doesn't mean much.


Let us all remember, "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."


Sure, he assumed responsibility, but only as far as the federal government's failure went.  I think it's pretty much clear that the government in control of the world's largest military (which was still completely capable of assuming rescue operations immediately after Katrina had passed) which was asleep at the wheel for a full week should take full responsibility for all lack of delivery of emergency services.


Besides that he can say that he'll accept full responsibility, but I highly doubt he's prepared to suffer any punishment for it.

I wasn't aware the US had control over Chinas military. I'm just being a jerk, sorry.

In a war between China and the U.S., I'll take China.


Large doesn't simply imply numbers, but also technology and money. How much more does the U.S. spend on defence than China? I don't think I can count that high.

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hmm i thought Japan has Samuari's, and China had ninjas. ahh fuck now i'm all screwed up.

Obviously Japan had the interal battles between the mighty and proud Samuari and the sneaky and cunning Ninjas. It was a power struggle for control of the japanese warrior underground.

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