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Devil On Rollerskates


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Big City Life (Album Version)


Caught yo eye

You is mah street light

Throw off yo blues n use yo red n whites

And waves ta caution yo days n nights

And wandering

And wandering

And wander'n


Carolina was a gambler

so she came into tha hood

there she died when she was twenty one

cause big city life is fun

yeah, big city life is fun


"tough it out"


Cut yo heart out

You is mah star light

Tear dizzay tha blues n fly yo red n whites


I swim wit tha fishes cause tha fish is aight

oh my, mah just ta git you ta bite

I swiznim wit tha fishes cause tha fiznish is aight

oh my, mah just ta git you ta bite


Carolina was a gambler

so she came into tha hood

there she died when she was twenty one

cause big city life is fun

yeah, big city life is fun


I swim wit tha fishes cause tha fish is aight

oh my, mah jizzay ta git you ta bite

I swizzim wit tha fishes cause tha fizzay is aight

oh my, mah Ive bizzle wanderizzles wanderizzle wander'n


Carolina was a gambler

so she came into tha hood

there she died whizzen she was twenty one

cause big city life is fun

yeah, big city life is fun


yeah, yeah



Load Me Up


Picture yoself

sleeping on a plane

thizzles sum-m sum-m chillin' in tha overheezee

and inside yo brains

theres bodies in tha water

and bodies in tha basemizzles heavens fo` clean people, its vacant

and hey is you know?

and hey is you being careful?

and hey is you luke warm?

hey ya you are

im frantic (funky Ass ta meet you)

so load me crazy ass nigga puts me all tha way out


picture yoself blunt-rollin' in an ocean

1,000,000 miles fizzy nowhere n tha nearest phone

thizzles bodies in tha water

float'n all around you

and all of tizzy is talk'n, n theyre comedians

and hey is you you know?

and hey is you special?

and hey is you deformed?

hey ya you is


im frantic

so load me up

it seems so practiced

me fuck'n this up

whateva puts me all tha way out


picture yoself at tha MGM grand

one night only, murphy vs , chill yo. hokem

yoe in tha stands

theres somebody in tha water

in tha middle of tha ocean

1,000,000 miles friznom nowhere

and theyre alone

im there alone

so, so deformed


im frantic

so load me up

this seems so practiced

so takes me all tha way pusha puts me all tha way out




Alert Status Red


In tha wilderness uncountable voicizzles fo` tha birds n tha animals

and wanna be gangsta fo` yo beast of burden, tha wizzill fo` learning

these books were made fo` burning

in tha wilderness

bizzles tha ancient sand lies crushed n tanned those sapphire bitchez

may we neva forget you


Alert status red

but tha sun comes up instead

In tha wilderness tha only place ta find freedom is in tha dictionary

unda "F"

men in holes, men in caves, men in chains I ask but tha store clizzerk neednt check

dawg I forget whizzay came first

the bad idea or me befallen by it?

not gang bangin' a shit may we shot calla forget you


Alert status red

but tha sun comes up instead

In tha wilderness

senile live tha zealous

lost ta tha treasures that compel us

muted down like patriots amiss

you kizzle Im jealous of how you can just tizzle thiznem off

those bad ideas tizzle feel so soft

may tizzle neva forget you

Edited by Devil On Rollerskates
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