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apparently... thats weird. I think I am pretty O/C, I get pissed off when things are put in the wrong place at work, my CD's and DVD's are all ALWAYS in alphabetical order, my MP3's all have to have a "artist- trackname" set up with proper spelling, punctuation and capitalization... I'm nuts

funny you should mention the mispelling thing in track names and such cuz i saw one in your list yesterday that i think was mispelled. i'm o/c about that kinda stuff when it comes to music. EDIT: i was wrong. i thought in that 'brand new' track, 'me vs. maradona vs. elvis' that it was 'madona'. it's not. i always thought it was, even though it's spelled right in my collection too ;)


and thanks for the link. i'm all geared up for atlantic time now.

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...Oh my god... I always thought it was Maddona... I never woulda noticed if you hadn't pointed that out! Brand new Brand New CD, Nov 21st (just so you know)



the MG track, it is "I wish I was a tidal wave"? because thats what it was labled as when I downloaded it from the nfstore but it doesn't sounds right to me.

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I was actually just gonna steal the crest from the nf homepage.

I was just really tired so I went and took a nap... and I'm going out tonight... maybe I'll do it a bit later.


edit: or I'll do it 1 minute ago

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i dont like all the white-space, and the layout is kindof counter-intuitive, but the features are cool. i like being able to see my "history"... so that i can actually keep up with discussions and what not, rather than post once and then forget where i posted something.


EDIT: suddenly i have more plays than before.... ok. i can handle that.


EDIT EDIT: actually, that's not true. same amount of plays. but boy does my top 8 or whatver make me feel generic.



Edited by borntohula
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Ya I noticed that your avatar doesn't dance when they asked me to try out the beta version a few weeks back. No one likes the design so I thought for sure they'd change it but I guess not.


Edit, it seriously takes Last.fm five minutes to load one page wtf.

Edited by soundless_space
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