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Dan #2

All The Sites I Like Went Away!

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steakandcheese isn't funny anymore. i think it's porn.


i can't find demonoid, and as such, cannot find torrents.


myspace is pretending it's facebook, when myspace used to be cool (ish) because it wasn't as intrusive as facebook.




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I'd rather spend my $2 on gay Taiwanese porn than spend it to see Kid Rock. I'd rather drop it into a sewer than spend it to see Kid Rock. I would rather swallow a toonie, have it go through my system and then become waste, than spend it to see Kid Rock.

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ONE more.

just one.

I'd rather take my $2 and get some shares of yahoo.com, wait for the inevitable depreciation of the stock and wait for the stock to hit bottom THEN sell and have nothing, than spend $2 to see Kid Rock.

How was that?

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How did I miss this?



you've taken my quote out of context. nothing on the internet is cool. myspace was cooler than facebook until it tried to emulate facebook's "success"



edit: sorry to revive

Edited by Dan #2
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