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Dude Looks Like A Prego.

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So we were sitting around at lunch the other day, and one of my Co-workers, informed me that there was some "Guy" who's gotten pregnant and was appearing on Oprah. I really wasn't overly sure if this was an April fools day Hoax, but who knows.





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I saw this a week ago on Breakfast TV...I think it's kind of nice...And sort of reminds me of that stop-motion show...uhh...something about the happiest Gay Couple in the World or something...

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Guest Prosis

Well he has a penis. He only kept his uterus and ovaries and whatnot.


I still personally doubt this story. If he was still able to have children, does that mean he has periods?

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he doesn't have a penis. part of the reproductive system for a woman is the vagina.

i know this because he was interviewed on 20/20 a while back, then all of a sudden the story broke everywhere and kept changing slightly at each source.


he was the one that said "i'm not transexual, i'm transgendered"

Edited by Snatch Catcher
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Guest Prosis

Really? Then he's a she indeed...


Edit: Researched and you are correct. He only had his breasts removed and then went through a hormonal therapy so that he could get a beard.


So, biologically, he's a woman with more hair and no breasts.


So I agree, nothing to see here.

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gender issues are so complicated because they are not uniform. not every lgbtq person agrees with a particular definition... or even has an opinion for that matter. they just know how they feel about themselves, regardless of what genitalia they have.

based on that, my opinion is that if so and so feels they are a woman, dispite having a penis, then they are a woman. and i can't tell them any different. the issue is that if she says shes a woman and she has a penis, then what does that make me? because we arent the same and gender does have more to do than feelings inside.

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*good points*

I think it comes down to the fact that the gender you identify as, and the gender you actually are may not necessarily line up.


Edit: After actually reading the article, I would say that biologically this person is female, though they obviously identify as male, and went through surgery/hormone therapy in order to become as male-like as possible.

Edited by Prometheon
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this isn't a medically condition. you can't look at someone and know they suffer from a.d.d. and are chronically depressed.


you look at him and see a man. you don't see a chick with a mangina looking to belong. it's not moot at all

neither is someone pretending to be something.


my point was that just because someone leads you to believe something about them, doesn't mean that - medically - they are. you completely missed.


in this case, a woman had a breast reduction and took hormones so she could grow facial hair. does that make her a man? no. why? because she still has a vagina and ovaries and all the necessary organs it takes to get pregnant. people in her life call her a man because that's what she wants, and they respect her. the media calls her a man because it will sell newspapers and commercial spots.

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I saw this couple on the news a few days ago. Definitely a strange sight to say the least, but in the end, I really don't care to question logistics behind it. Whatever gets them through the night and it's none of my business to tell them if it's wrong or if it's right.


I will say this though: the entire time I watched the news story, I'll I could think of was the Kids in the Hall poker sketch where they sit around talking about they wished they were women.

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