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Dan #2

The Step Forward Was Dissociative

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my ipod is nice, but now i've lost the album, as a format, and anything but shuffle seems cheapened.


i miss my discman and i never thought i'd say it, but i miss having like 8 cd's with me, in slim cases, in my "purse" all the time.


i also miss double a's, in a way, even though they're wasteful.

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I've refused to buy an iPod for the last few years. I got one for Christmas, but I just have a bunch of audiobooks that I don't listen to on it. I dunno, there's something about having a huge pile of CD's and records around that I can rifle through that I enjoy immensley. It makes sharing music with friends way easier, too.

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I love my iPod as much as anyone should love an inaminate object. I also find that it increases my musical apprecition through its versatility. An example would be that I listen too, and appreciate Primetime Deliverance a lot more often than I would without an iPod, because I don't like the rest of Underdogs, and it would be a pain to constantly swap the CDs.

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I like having an iPod. It's a lot faster, has the shuffle feature, mine is a touch screen and goes on the internet, etc. I would hate going back to carrying around a cd case and a cd player. Blech. Also if you want to swap cds why don't you just swap flashdrives? I do it all the time. Easy peasy.

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Creative Zens > iPods definitely.


Anyhoo I find something very charming about lending a friend/family member an album in its entirety. Meaning the booklet, the artwork, the thank yous, so that way the person listening to it can get what the artist intended it to be physically as well as the way they wanted it to sound. Otherwise why would an artist spend so much time creating what it looks like, you know? To just have someone get it on iTunes and never appreciate what it was supposed to be in completion?

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Artists like any kind of purchaseeeeeeeee!!!$$$$$$$$


I had an iPod from 2004 or so and it went kaput recently. Discs get scratched or break, a file is forever. I'm fine using CD's around town, but I don't hit the road unless someone has an mp3 player.

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Creative Zens > iPods definitely.

I have a Creative Zen as well.


I don't really get to use it nowadays since I got my car and I don't use public transportation anymore. I'm back to burning CD's for my car's CD player.

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Creative Zens > iPods definitely.


Anyhoo I find something very charming about lending a friend/family member an album in its entirety. Meaning the booklet, the artwork, the thank yous, so that way the person listening to it can get what the artist intended it to be physically as well as the way they wanted it to sound. Otherwise why would an artist spend so much time creating what it looks like, you know? To just have someone get it on iTunes and never appreciate what it was supposed to be in completion?



and yeah, shiri's right, they're far less of a headache to use than the ipods, which require not only itunes, but don't all the songs need to be in .m4a as well? one of the shittiest kind of music file compressions i know of.


i don't lend my CDs out. i learned that lesson pretty damn quick. keys + pocket + my CD w/out it's case = you're a jerk.

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I own a rinky dink mp3 player, otherwise I'd put whole albums on it. But that's why when I'm at home, for the most part I only listen to entire albums.

I rip cds to my computer and put 'em back on the shelf, so despite being only used once, really, I still prefer having a hard copy + packaging, booklet, etc. Same with movies, though I don't rip those.


That was kind of jumbled, but I think I covered everything.

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