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M:i4...without Tom Cruise?

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Well, it seems like Paramount wants Tom Cruise pretty much mangled and dumped in a ditch, because they've dropped him from the (supposedly) in the works M:I4. Names attached to the new movie are Brad Pitt, and...Brad Pitt. Apparently, Paramount might shell out $40 million for Brangelina.


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M:I4 News

Edited by matrix
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They need Tom Cruise to play the Ethan Hunt character, otherwise it'll become like the bond franchise. I think just because he's pretty insane, people like to hate on him, but I think he's one of the more entertaining actors out there, at least of the ones who get payed the big bucks. Because I loved the first one as a kid, and enjoyed the third one this summer, I think it would be strange without him, somehow more fake. Notice I said more.

Just since I'm bored, and using The Bored, I remember when they came out with a M:I comic book, and flicking through it in the store, I realized how cool that character was. Without Tom Cruises dashing good looks, t'wouldn't be as cool. And I've lost interest in this topic.

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