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Would You Disown Me?

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Guest apsham

One of my friends thinks that my attitude of "NO GUINESS IN THIS STORE MEANS NO BEER FOR ME, I'LL TAKE MIKE'S HARD" is going to cause me to fail hard at a party tomorrow.




Mr. X says:

Mike's Hard Lemonade?

apsham; has laryngitis says:


apsham; has laryngitis says:


Mr. X says:

Are you a queer?

Mr. X says:

or a woman?

Edited by apsham
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now i don't drink coolers because i think they taste awful, but i did when i was younger, and i don't understand the stigma behind doing such a thing. why is drinking a guiness, that's like 4% alcohol any "manlier" than drinking a cooler which is 5%? who gives a shit? disown your friend.

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Guest apsham

Haha, I think it's stupid too. I just wanted to bring it up as a discussion point... I don't see the point in ripping on it, when they are a HIGHER PERCENTAGE. I think all beer tastes like shit, and it upsets my stomach... except Guiness for some odd reason. Eh.

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Guest apsham

Yeah, I thought that when I got them so I thought I'd wait until Saturday... >_<. Yeah, I know that's dumb but... hey, I hear lemon soothes the throat.

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it's one thing to drink coolers and only coolers or other "girly" drinks, but if it's just for a night or whatever, no big deal. If you don't like beer, don't resort to coolers all the time, try to get into other stuff like vodka, rum, gin etc...

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He's just ribbing on you man, don't stress out about it. My friends and I make fun of one of our buddies all of the time because he likes peach schnapps and long island iced tea, but it's all just in good fun.

What he said.


I wouldn't disown you, but I'd give you a hard time, because it's fun.


That said, I used to drink Mike's back in the day.

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Guest apsham



All that I NORMALLY drink is Guiness and Smirnoff Vodka, but a person gets tired of Smirnoff after a while, yes?

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Yes, yes you do.


Anyway, when I'm out I usually just have Rye and Coke. I don't mind coolers, but if I'm going into that direction, I usually get cider as it doesn't taste... fake? But Smirnoff Ice isn't bad. I've never had Mike's Hard Lemonaide ade before

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as queer as it is to drink coolers... if you insist on it, here's how to gq it up a bit:



pour the beverage into a beer cup with lots of ice, leaving a bit of room. add a few extra ounces of vodka, and stir. you wont look like a fruit for walking around with a colorful bottle and you've done a little mofication, so you can't be called out.


when i go on the boat, i drink of those pomegranite coolers and do the above.

Edited by BOHICA
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Bohica my good man, I used to do the same thing, or a little Tequila.


But yes, walking around with any type of cooler bottle as a guy, would be like walking around with a cock in your hand. People whispering, "He likes the cock." every time you walk by, is not cool.


Now is you have two women hanging all over you, while walking around with a cooler bottle in your hand, then that negates the whole "His favorite movie is "Acockonmylips Now", thing.


There's nothing like a good Black and Tan, to prove that you're a man's man...so I'm totally respecting the Guiness, Alex.

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