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The Internet Is Ruining Our English

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i am an english major and i've come to this conclusion:


don't you have anything better to do with your time?


i'm sure there are better, and more permanent examples out there of how the internet is changing the english language than this. first of all, the example you've given is something that is exclusive to the internet only, and is still written properly aside from the sneaky fact that the company's name starts with "my." wow. good eye.


because it's a name of a company, i'm very certain that this won't have any lasting effects on the english language.

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"I'm going to check my Myspace" sounds alright to me ?


I don't really see these lol, wtf etc. as ruining the English language, as they're rarely ever used 'offline', in written or spoken word; they're just daft abbreviations.


'Txt Spk' is definitely detrimental to many though. Our mam used to be a child fosterer and it didn't take long to work out the spelling skills of the teenagers we had here was depressingly shit. Too much time spent shortening words (which didn't need shortening in the first place !) on MSN and their mobiles meant they'd forgotten how to fucking spell !

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I refuse to use "lol" et al expect in rare cases because I'm being ironical. I type out "el-oh-el," or "double-you-tee-eff" far more often than proper "leet-speak." Again, only whilst being ironical.


EDIT: Spelling[which is kinda fitting given the subject matter].

Edited by Dan #3
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i actually say it more than i use it on the internet.


stfu and gtfo, mostly.

So out loud you'll say "Ess-Tee-Eff-You" ? Or am I misunderstanding, and you actually say "Shut the fuck up" ?


I dunno how technologically advanced Canada is, but over here you'd get some right dodgy looks saying STFU out loud. lol

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If i put it in my thread, or I put it in random thoughts, those either go unread, or they turn into conversations with other people.

boo fucking hoo.


here's something to chew on :


every thought that goes through your head is not interesting, much less important.

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