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The Question Above You Game

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See, my first impulse is just to say my best friend, but then I'd miss out on awesome apocalypse-sex. Probably this dismally boring girl I know who is insane in bed. If you're gonna die, may as well be happy.


Would you work an unethical job if the pay and benefits were amazingly good, and it was challenging and interesting?

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dropping out of university in montreal. i made the decision while i was home for spring break, and put no thought into it before hand.

i say i did it because i was broke and didn't like the program i was in, and all of that is true.

but i don't think i would have done it if i wasn't falling head over heels from someone back home.


that didn't last long. but i'm still happy that i did it, and have never regretted it. although i really, really, really, miss montreal, the whole not-speaking-french thing sort of hampered my ability to find work.


best drunk moment?

(or worst drunk moment, depending on how you see it.)

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None. I find football to be extremely boring... it's right up there with baseball and basketball. Women's beach volleyball is where it's at. Or mud wrestling. I'm not sure.


Really lame question as I can't think right now: Where were you born?

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Roger Maris

was able to hit 61* home runs, without steroids. just a good fargo boy.


What is the earliest memory you have?


i remember the first apartment we lived in before my sister was born.

i lived there until i was two and half.


song you are listening to on repeat these days?

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Heh, I remember my first serious girlfriend, back when I was 14. She'd talk all sexily to me on the phone to make me so excited I'd stealthily masturbate (which wasn't tough at 14, let me tell you) and then get all excited if she caught me orgasming. So fuck cold showers.


What's your stance on vegetarians/vegetarianism?

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Meh, to each their own. Although, this girl I'm trying to bang is a vegetarian, and it has proven to be a bit of a pain in the ass in the last couple dates, you know, she trying to figure out what to order at the restaurant.


What was the first video game you ever owned?

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Shit, I dunno. We had an Atari and Colecovision, but I don't think they were actually dredged up until AFTER I played Link to the Past, Final Fantasy 2, and Super Mario World on the SNES. But the real answer is probably some technicality like Pac-Man at an arcade or something.


Do you have any allergies?

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