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Energy Drinks

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Backstory: The ten page essay on the counter-reformation in Spain that I thought was due next week is actually due later today, so I've been up all night frantically writing this essay. Around 2 am, I decided to walk to Mac's to invest in some kind of energy drink. I got two cans of Rockstar (which apparently are double servings to begin with). Drank one on the way home which filled me with sugary goodness and energy for the rest of the way until I actually sat down at home and almost crashed right then and there. I immediately drank the second one, then realized the warning label says to only drink one a day. Long story short, I'm very groggy and having a lot of trouble concentrating. The essay is due in 10 hours, and I have three pages left. Wish me luck.

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The only energy drink I ever really came into contact with was Molson Kick (that shit with Guarana innit). I was downtown one night and there were these two girls just handing out Kick. As long as you only took one at a time, you could drink as many as you wanted.


It was an odd feeling, whenever I drink, I have my fun and then I just want to go straight to bed. This time, I had my fun, and I wanted to stay out all night. The beer wasn't all that bad either.


Either way, way off topic. Good luck, mang. I've made tighter deadlines ;)

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I've got to try that stuff. But ya, three cheers to the student life. I have a love/hate relationship with energy drinks because I only ever have them in situations like yours, but they always rock my face. I recomend one called Full Throttle or something stupid. Its big. On a related note I have 4 hours to start and finish an assignment. Thinking of things to do to waste time is becoming difficult. I may have to hang up my procrastonation shoes.

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i love working in a rush...when i was in high school, i would take the bus into school, go to the library, start and finish my english essay, and then hand it in during the first period. BUT! now i can't do that cuz i have to put effort into it. EL BASTARDO'S!!!

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i hated energy drink til i tried a 99 cent one in Maine and i loved it and it made em run around the city all night.


Can't remember what it was called though, but it started with an 'M' and was in a tall, fat can, and can to $1.09 with deposit and tax haha.

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Dan was it Monster? It has a green M on the can and it is one of the taller ones as well. I used to drink Monster often, it's easily the best tasting energy drink (still ridiculously expensive though, as any energy drink is [3 $$$$])

Naw, it had a shorter, more obscure name... i wish i could remember.


It seemed like it might have been the colt 45 of energy drinks...

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it is helpful when you're broke, hungry and you still want to drink with your friends.


It fills me up so much though, they're not fun anymore.


(i have a very small stomach, it seems)

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I had a can of Monster thrown at me once, when a friend of mine decided it would be funny to run and scream at passing cars.


But the best energy drink is Buzz, it's like two for a dollar at a little run down corner store in the slums of our town. Great stuff.

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Hey borntohula! Don't worry, no dirty jokes from me dear. I love Bawls just as much as you, so who would I be to make fun. Here's proof. Remember that time you and I both admitted how much we wanted to taste Bawls? Then later after we had, you took out your camera and wanted to take a picture of my Bawls so we'd never forget? Don't deny it I have proof. Here.


Then we had sex with eachother!

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