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Space is awesome. I have killed years of my life staring at the sky. Now i major in physics with a specialization in astronomical theory, woo.


Very nice pictures by the way, I have taken a few in my day but they are all at m parents house. At some point i'll get them and upload some.

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I've always loved looking at space. I miss camping because I loved to lay underneath the stars and watch them pass by.


Though, as I heard someone say once about aliens "Why the hell would someone travel so far just to shove something up where the sun don't shine?" I think aliens are friendly and nice and huggable.

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Speaking of aliens, what used to be the KGB recently released its secret UFO files. The USSR spent a lot of time and money researching these phenomena.






And in regards to the go to space/fix earth issue... i seriosuly doubt it is even possible to fix earth. Aside from the fact that people will NEVER all get along, there simply aren't even close to enough resources to bring every person on earth up to a high quality of life. However... with space exploration will come resources. Mining, and eventually living space and food once we get working on it. Food for thought...

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Heh, I'm the exact same way. I remember when I was a lot younger, like 10-12ish, and whenever I'd start thninking too deep about space and origins and stuff, asking questions like 'when did the universe 'start', or where are it's boundaries?' tears woukld literally start streaming down my face. It was really weird.

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Space friggin rules!!

astonomy, cosmology awesome stuff... i have a bunch of documentaries on cosmology and astronomy and check out space.com for news almost religiously.. I'm actually really interested in something I havent been able to find anyone else all that interested in... basically its philosophy based on cosmological science... if that makes any sense to anyone...

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