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I don't hate them, I rather like them. I see Geoff is cruising the scene, can you elaborate on the MG vs OLP thing?


For the record...I have jammed out a few OLP tunes...from a bassist's perspective...Geoff and Rich, make anyone trying to play their stuff, have work for it, OLP's stuff is pretty fucking easy.

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I can dig it, Geoff. You've know doubt heard their stuff. Any opinions on Duncan Coutts' playing?


Somehow hearing that about Raine, doesn't surprise me...I've heard live stuff of theirs, and seen some excerpts from a snowjob appearance they made...They try awfully hard to be "clean"...

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They haven't made a decent record since Naveed.

Clumsy was decent and even Happiness Is Not A Fish that You Can Catch is passable

As a young'n I remember liking Superman's Dead... but to this day I can't tollerate anything with Raine Maida on vocals. Though, I suppose in a way he was the worst/best thing that could have happened to Our Lady Peace.

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And then I turned 13.


Seriously though, they're pretty bad. They have a few good tunes, but a lot of it is just plain terrible. I have all of their CDs except the newest one, and I've been meaning (for the longest time) to just go through my iTunes and cut out all but 2 or 3 songs from each album.

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Yes, I think Clumsy is their best album and the only one I really like from start to finish. The other albums all have a few good songs in them and that's it. Except for the last album which I haven't bothered checking out.

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