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The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou

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I only saw the trailer for this movie twice, but being a bit of a Wes Anderson fan (see also: Royal Tenenbaums, Rushmore), I decided to see it. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but I ended up walking out happy. The movie's got a lot of smart humor in it, but never to the point where it's pretentious. There's a lot of creative bits and scenes which have to be seen. I won't say anymore, I'd rather not spoil anything.


Life Aquatic is one of my favorite movies this year, alongside Garden State and Shaun of the Dead. Go see it, especially if you're a Wes Anderson fan.

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I'm a big Wes Anderson fan and thought The Royal Tenanbaums was of the best movies of 2002, but I was severely disappointed with the Life Aquatic. In many parts it's was quirky, funny and interesting, but on the other hand it also seemed far too ambiguous and incoherent. I need to see it again to reevaluate, but I think it's definitely my least favorite anderson film.

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Just got back from seeing it. I liked it. I wasn't harboring too much hope after all of the bad stuff I've heard about it. It wasn't nearly as good as The Royal Tenenbaums, but, hell, how many movies are? Great cast, good music, amazing cinematography, funny dialogue, the only thing that seemed lacking for me was the story line(s).

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I saw it a few weeks ago and was fairly impressed. Some of it was a little hard to get, but that almost added to the whole feel of the movie. As for the music, you can never go wrong with crappy keyboard beats and second rate synthesizers, ie. Napoleon Dynamite.

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I just cant stand any film by Wes Anderson. Everytime he releases a new movie, i try and give him another chance. And everytime i do i'm dissapointed as hell.

His movies are way too dry and don't go ANYWHERE. Wes Anderson sucks shit. And anyone that says his movies are intelligent can go sit in a corner with a dunce cap on their head.

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