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I just wanted to know, how wide is the usage of drugs throughout Canada? I started smoking pot about 2 years ago and back then it was a relatively small proportion of people that used it maybe 25% of people that I knew. Now EVERYONE does it. Literally I would say about 90% of people that I know do it at least once every couple of weeks or so. Now I'm starting to notice coke and ecstasy are getting pretty popular. Is anyone else noticing a dramatic upsurge in drug use over the last couple of years? Is this just a Newfoundland thing? Maybe its just my friends that are fucked up.


I don't think its just because I'me getting older either. I graduated from high school three years ago, but I'm told that the high school students are the worst chronics of them all.

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Mike, i'd say that either 90% of your friends are losers, or that NFLD has gone to shit. Not that i have a problem with marijuana, but whoa! 90%? i think your friends may have a lack of other friends.


But i do know what you mean. it seems that a whole lot of people are doing ecstasy now. A whole lot. And i have heard about coke around town. Meth is growing, and dilladauds (sp?) seems to be dropping...

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if you are looking at a specific group of people and they are doing harder drugs now then before, it makes sense because it takes more to get high each time. people are also loosening up about drugs. its not that big a deal anymore. people do drugs now and their parents know and its no big deal. a lot of peoples parents do it (they grew up in the time of love) and it's hard for them to say not to when they do. i don't really have a problem with a little drug use, i don't have any plans to do drugs and as long as one uses them respondsibly, it's no problem. i think that people are using them wrong, though, and education needs to be available. a different kind of education though because what is available now is crap and no one wants to hear it.

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Mike, i'd say that either 90% of your friends are losers, or that NFLD has gone to shit.


By losers assume you mean that in the "going to spend the rest of their lives in their parents basement" kind of way. To which I would like to say that myself and most of the people I am talking about are in university. I smoke pot 9 nights out of 10 and I have just under an A average. Pot doesn't make people lazy or stupid. Its just that a lot of really lazy, stupid people do pot.


And the people that I'm talking about aren't just my friends. Its my friends, friends of friends, acquaintances, people the I'm vaguely aware of because they know acquaintances of mine. EVERYONE. It must just be a Newfoundland thing. We drink the most too!

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No, i didn't mean that pot makes you stupid and lazy. I've been known to smoke a little pot, and i'd like to think that i am about average intelligence, it's just that 9/10 nights? Whoa? Have ye too much free time? and free money?


I guess i just think doing anything 9/10 nights is stupid...

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Well, its not like I just sit around and smoke pot all night. I go about my night like any one else would. I'm just high while I do it. I study while I'm high sometimes. And as for money, if you buy in bulk it doesn't cost a lot to smoke 2 joints a night.

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two joints isn't much. i started smoking about two years ago, maybe once a month. then it was once a week. then it was a couple of times a week. then it was everyday. but not two joints, two joints is just for relaxing. i can personally say if you have like 10 cones a night then it becomes a problem. if you can keep it as a weekly/monthly ritual, it's not so bad. anyway yeah i know a fair few people who do drugs, but chances are you've just entered that age where people use them, or you are becoming more aware. ecstacy and marijuana are the most popular, with speed next, then probably cocaine. im not too familiar with other drugs, though i've used opium on top of these other drugs.


what has my experience has led me to believe?


drugs are bad, mkay

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I just wanted to know, how wide is the usage of drugs throughout Canada? I started smoking pot about 2 years ago and back then it was a relatively small proportion of people that used it maybe 25% of people that I knew. Now EVERYONE does it. Literally I would say about 90% of people that I know do it at least once every couple of weeks or so. Now I'm starting to notice coke and ecstasy are getting pretty popular. Is anyone else noticing a dramatic upsurge in drug use over the last couple of years? Is this just a Newfoundland thing? Maybe its just my friends that are fucked up.


I don't think its just because I'me getting older either. I graduated from high school three years ago, but I'm told that the high school students are the worst chronics of them all.

weed has definetly become more mainstream... for example, last night a buddy and i smoked a huge cannon on the patio at boston pizza without any problems.



when it comes to cocaine and ecstacy, i think it does have something to do with you being older... people are wanting to escape their lives for one night, and a rail or cap will usually help you do that. i've done a bunch of drugs in my life, and if you ever do it recreationally, its either when you're young and has something to do with peer pressure, or when you're more mature and looking for a quick escape from reality, or you're bored with your same old weekend routine. that being said, i believe that peer pressure has a lot to do with the whole idea of drugs, and it always has been.


i also believe that drugs in general are more mainstream, they're easier to get, everyone knows someone who sells it or does it, and they're more accessible now than ever, so i could totally see more people doing it than before. parents these days seem to see kids as more of an inconvenience than a responsibility and its much easier to keep things from the parents than it was when they were our age.

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Ecstacy (sp?) is alarming. People think it's cool but it can seriously (pardon my french) fuck you up. Just the fact that you don't know what you're getting it or much potent it is. I've never tried anything drug related. Of my 5 best friends maybe 2 of them have tried it and none of them smoke on a regular basis.

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I've tried e, lsd, mushrooms, coke, and of course hash & pot. With the later being the everyday drug of choice. I started with cannabis, so I guess you can call it a gateway drug, and have only touched those other stimulants once or twice.


I hear that meth is becoming a big problem in North America.

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Yeah, i've heard a whole lot about Meth lately. I personally know quite a few kids who do E with regularity. It scares me.


As for mushrooms, HOLY FUCK! They are the coolest thing ever. I've only had one bad trip, and i think that might have been something to do with the fact that i did them on a terribley dark, rainy day, at school.


Don't do shrooms around crowds. That's my advice, kiddies. (but try them on a sunny day, outside, with lots of colourful markers. you'll have a blast.)


I haven't tried many intoxicants... weed, weed laced with PCP (not by choice, i was misled, but enjoyed it,) mushrooms and alcohol.


on my list of things to do are coke and salvia. i hear salvia is a whole lot of mindfuck.

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Haven't tried mushrooms but everyone I know whos done them once or twice says it was the best damn drug experience of their life. I seriously intend to some day.


I haven't done anything but weed and alcohol. Although I smoke a lot of weed I refuse to touch anything else. I do not buy the gateway drug theory whatsoever. Its complete BS. And if any drug is a gateway drug its alcohol. People always drink before they start smoking weed, and I don't know anyone who jumped right into weed without drinking first. Also, when I smoke weed my wits are about me enough to know that e is bad. If I'm really drunk my judgement is far more impaired.

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when i was little i swore that i would never drink.

i also swore that i would never stretch my ears.


I think weed is incredibley overrated. It's cool, but i can live without it. I only eat it anymore anyway, i find smoking hurts my insides, and i need insides to sing...


i only indulge in alcohol and mushrooms, really.

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.... i find smoking hurts my insides, and i need insides to sing...


i only indulge in alcohol and mushrooms, really.

And the gut rot that you get from mushrooms doesn't hurt your insides?

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.... i find smoking hurts my insides, and i need insides to sing...


i only indulge in alcohol and mushrooms, really.

And the gut rot that you get from mushrooms doesn't hurt your insides?

never had any sort of gut rot. i know that at one point, when i had rather strong mushrooms, i felt like if i lost the momentum at which i was travelling, i would puke. That might have been my brain or that might have been my stomach.


You get gutrot?

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I think weed is incredibley overrated.

Well, when you first start smoking its pretty trippy and cool. Then after you get used to it, it just turns into a nice relaxing numbness. I think its overated because people try and compare it to say, mushrooms, and its just not that heavy of a drug. I just somke it to relax. This is why I don't understand why society hates weed so much. Weed is a lighter drug than alcohol.

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I think weed is incredibley overrated.

Well, when you first start smoking its pretty trippy and cool. Then after you get used to it, it just turns into a nice relaxing numbness. I think its overated because people try and compare it to say, mushrooms, and its just not that heavy of a drug. I just somke it to relax. This is why I don't understand why society hates weed so much. Weed is a lighter drug than alcohol.

Yeah, you're right.


what are the dangers and the chances of these dangers in regards to mushrooms. i'd love to try them but i don't wanna fuck myself over.


for your first time, do not do them at night. do them outside in an open area, and bring markers and lots of paper haha.


physically, i don't think there's much to worry about, but i hear that a bad trip can fuck you over mentally. Don't do them to 'get away' like some people use alcohol, because you'll just be a paranoid sack of spaz for five hours.


and if you do try them, do them with someone who has done shrooms before.

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