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advertisements before movies

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This was briefly touched on in another topic...but i want to know, what's your opinion about the advertising before movies? (in the theater specifically)



Good idea? does it work? or is it just plain annoying?

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I just find that it's frusterating b/c you have to watch commercials when you watch T.V.


When you pay $10 or more to only see a 2 hour movie...can't we get a break.

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well dan you just like movie commercials cause you were in one ;)...and I dont mind moview previews, its nice to see whats coming...but when you get honda commercials, or coke and pepsi, or other products or TV commercials it annoys me...one sees these commercials enough on TV already

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and I dont mind moview previews, its nice to see whats coming...but when you get honda commercials, or coke and pepsi, or other products or TV commercials it annoys me...one sees these commercials enough on TV already


yes i totally agree with this. When i asked this question originally i didn't mean to put movie previews into the commercial category...even though i guess it is.


I think i'd rather watch some extra movie previews then to see car commercials

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I don't mind them all that much, as they give me more time to get to the flick since I know they'll delay the start time by at least five minutes.

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I hate commericals at movie theatres. The more they charge, the more commericals they play, and the worse the theatre gets.

But I LOVE previews. I apperciate the art that is the movie trailer (for it is an art, boys and girls). 'Garden State', for example has one of the most amazing trailers I've ever seen.

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