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it's 1:15 pm in vancity. i realise some of you easterners have already gone to the polls, but i'm going at 6 (when my boyfriend gets off work. we have to go together so i can tell him who to vote for.)


i'm still undecided!! i don't trust martin with my money, i feel like his government is one that makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. stephen harper and the idea of a conservative government scares the shit out of me. seriously. i get knots in my stomach typing his name. but jack layton? c'mon! i've spent the last half hour on the ndp official site reading their platform on just about everything, and aside from all of the anti-liberal rhetoric (which does nothing but annoy me) they seem like a viable option. but how many seats can they POSSIBLY get? is it a wasted vote?



would someone PLEASE convince me?

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At least by voting conservative you can guarantee a change in the government, thereby forcing the liberals to realise that they can't get away with their corruption any longer.


TBH, voting NDP scares me far more than either of the others, because, living in a NDP province, I know how two-faced they are. Saskatchewan is poor for no other reason than our NDP government has zero clue about the economic impacts of their decisions.

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i realized this morning that i was still registered in the vancouver central riding, so i had to go downtown this morning... i voted for svend.




i would have voted pc if stockwell day was running the show, though... as a matter of fact i'd be a pc volunteer. that guy is awesome.

Edited by one_trick_pony
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i cant believe that i voted liberal, cause i am center-right, and i dont like Paul Martin. But, i didnt like the idea of Steven Happer getting into office. I think the liberal attack adds got to me, damn them. I am going to take a shower now, i feel really dirty.

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I think one should worry more about Stephen Harper making the rich richer and poor poorer; just look at his platform.


I'm voting Liberal but that's because of the Liberal MP candidate in my area. But I like Paul Martin too so that doesn't hurt things for me. Also, the Conservative candidate in my riding only showed up for one debate out of 4 and told me he didn't have time to answer my questions so he invited me to a debate he didn't attend.


The NDP candidate in my area was also really good but I like Martin more than Layton as a leader and I thought the Liberal candidate in my area would make a better MP, and he's the incumbent anyway and has done a beautiful job thus far.

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I voted Conservative. Its time for a change. The way i see it, just give them a chance. If Canadians don't like what they or Harper does, then give 'em the boot in the next election.


If its a Conservative minority, Harper will be well in check & minority gov'ts only last an average of around 18 months anyways.


Tonight should make for some interesting TV.

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see, that's what worries me. is it at all possible that the ndp would actually WIN the election though? could they get enough seats to have a noticeable voice, but not be in charge?

Yes. Last parliment was like that. They had a rather noticable voice but obviously were far from in charge.


If you don't like Layton himself, remember that you SHOULD always vote for the candidate and the platform and not the leader (unless you are in Layton's own riding, that's obviously another matter).

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see, that's what worries me. is it at all possible that the ndp would actually WIN the election though? could they get enough seats to have a noticeable voice, but not be in charge?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's a mathematical impossibility that they could actually win.

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see, that's what worries me. is it at all possible that the ndp would actually WIN the election though? could they get enough seats to have a noticeable voice, but not be in charge?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's a mathematical impossibility that they could actually win.

Not impossible. Just 'fat-fucking chance'.

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i'm going to vote in a little while. i'm going to go meet my sister at pharmasave and she's going to take me where i'm supposed to vote because i have no clue where it is. oaklands elementary school is all that i know. pretty sweet.


i love to vote. it makes me feel special.

but i'm voting NDP because they're hella cool. hella cool rules. haha...no, they arent', but i don't like steven harper and i don't like paul martin and yeah. ndp.

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i think its a great thing for national unity sake that the conservatives got in, and that Harper is the leader. This will please westerners, who have felt powerless & disenfranchised politically the last decade or so. They finally have a say in national affairs. And they finally can't be PO'd at Ontario for voting the Liberals back in again.


Also, Harper is the 1st non-Quebec Prime Minister in 27 years.

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