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My Prediction From 1/30/01

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so i was all of 17/18 years old, i used to post a lot on the IGN message board, back when it was free. In the music section I had a thread called, "Matthew Good Band. The Best Band On Earth"


so Matt was about to release Beautiful Midnight stateside and I posted the following:


I really want to see Matt Good Band get, if not huge, then at least better known in the U.S. I want this because there's gotta be people down south who are sick of all the Limp Bizkit/Korn/Kid Rock hysteria (I just realized those last two aren't around anymore.) and want to hear some straight rock, none of this rap-metal crap.


What I think is cool about the prospect of Matt Good getting big in the U.S. is the fact that he's a great anti-star. He hates the spotlight and award shows. You know he's not going to be on TRL and he's not going to take it up the a** for Carson Daly or Kurt Loder.


What sucks is this is what you have to do today to get any airtime. This means a lot of people who might like they music they make are never going to hear anything by them. The only national broadcasting they might get is going on a late night talk show (Conan, Letterman, or Kilborn. No Leno. He's as big as a whore as Daly is.) or maybe VH1, just because Rebecca Rankin used to host RapidFax on MuchMusic and I'm sure her and Matt would get along pretty well. She knows what kind of interviews they're into and she wouldn't cross the boundaries.


As for Advertising down south, the only thing that needs to be done, in my opinion, is a lot of airtime, both television and radio. They have made some of the best videos ever to air. Play The Future is X-Rated, Load Me Up, and Apparitions. Those videos/songs are enough to get people hooked on their sound. BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, if you play these videos, don't interrupt them for a "shout-out to your girl in Connecticut" and don't make the video shorter so you can interview the star of last week's top grossing movie.


Any other thoughts? I really like this band and like talking about them and their (possible) success in the U.S. So post any questions or comments on this board.


I can smell my innocence and hear my youth just by reading that post.


thank you Wayback Machine and ARchive.org...otherwise i would not have found this. ;)

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random girl: "OMG! I've totally been in love with Matt Good since his first CD!!!"

me: "You Mean Last Of The Ghetto Astronauts?"

random girl: "um... no, Beautiful Midnight. what is Last Of The Ghetto Astronauts?"

me: "...nevermind"

Probably something like that.

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