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Baby Faced Assassin

Limited In A Coma

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How can HMV and music world get away with selling it for $38.99 when bestbuy/future shop have it for $22.99? It doesn't seem right

The same reason why they can sell certain single cd's for $22-$23 while Future Shop/Best Buy has the same cd across the street for $10 less. Like Scot said, HMV are whores.

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I called my DM this morning and found out that we'll be selling it cheaper than 38.99 but won't know until very early tomorrow morning. I know sometimes places are more expensive...just don't take it out on the staff...we're told what to sticker shit at...even though it makes us look like assholes.


On a fun side note...Future Shop and stores similar sell CDs below cost...there are list prices for CDs and DVDs, basically what the label charges chains to pay for a certain album. These stores selling albums so cheap are in fact losing money on each sale......so that they can get you in the store and buy a TV, and some FireWire, and batteries, and so on and so forth. That's where they make their money. My friend works at a Future Shop and gets accessories at cost.


Me: "I need some new FireWire and the sticker says 29.99 Should I give you like a 20 or 15 bones?"


Him: "Nah a 5 should cover it...the list on those things is only 3 bucks."


THREE BUCKS.....that's like a 6000 percent markup...they sell 250 of those in a day across Canada and they've made more than enough money back from losing it on music.

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I happened to be at the mall today and I checked at HMV and MusicWorld to see how much the deluxe edition would be. HMV said $26.99 and Musicworld wouldn't tell me. I saw it in the add for FutureShop (or Best Buy - aren't they the same?) for $22.99.


I will definitely be getting it at FutureShop.

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How can HMV and music world get away with selling it for $38.99 when bestbuy/future shop have it for $22.99? It doesn't seem right

futureshop and bestbuy are a bigbox retailer, they sell all sorts of shit whereas hmv and musicworld sell music and dvds. basically, fs and bb dont care about making a few extra bucks on a cd, when they know they'll make it up by selling a fridge with a tv on the front of it.


fyi, the big box stores make more money moving their products at cost to get your sale than they do by marking it up and competing with everyone else, because they're rewarded by volume not profit.



moral: support smaller companies.

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MW doesn't have a site right now....cause a bigger one is in the works. I can't say what we'll be selling it at cause I....well I just can't....but think the same as hmv or a buck cheaper.


Though I did score a free copy, poster, and a few stickers cause, well, I'm the manager and there has to be SOME perks.

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$22 or $38 hmmmmm.....let me think......a $16 sticker. i don't think so. anyways i already got a couple. they're cool but definatley not worth $16. and besides Matt doesn't want us paying too much. Future Shop it is for me.

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