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Bill O'reilly Strikes Again

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They've got all kinds of Muslim crazies up in Canada running around


Media Matters: http://mediamatters.org/items/200602240004


During the February 22 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly claimed that if "Al Qaeda wanted to get in here [the United States], it's easy," because "[t]hey've got all kinds of Muslim crazies up in Canada running around." O'Reilly was commenting on the controversial acquisition by Dubai Ports World of the British firm Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., which manages six U.S. ports. Dubai Ports World is owned by the government of Dubai, a member state of the United Arab Emirates. O'Reilly contrasted security concerns about the deal with the lack of comparable concern over Canada. According to O'Reilly, although "we do a lot of business with Canada," they have "the easiest infiltration in the world"; he continued, "All you do is have to show up in Montreal."


From the February 22 broadcast of Westwood One's The Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly:


    O'REILLY: You know, we do a lot of business with Canada -- this is what gets me -- Canada has got the easiest infiltration in the world. All you do is have to show up in Montreal. You don't even have to have a passport, and they'll let you in the country as a refugee. You just show up and go, "Hey, I'm here." "Oh, OK, come on in." And we're doing business with Canada all the time, and we don't have any checks up there. We don't have any Border Patrol up in Canada. I mean we have a few, but, you know, anybody can come down. I don't hear any big screaming about doing business with Canada. You know, if Al Qaeda wanted to get here, it's easy. They've got all kinds of Muslim crazies up in Canada running around. You see? So people get emotional.

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I have indeed seen Outfoxed. I found it @ HMV one day for 10 bucks and picked it up and i could be the best random find ever.


The CBC put together a little news piece simular to it as well.


They had Al Franken on it making fun of Bill O'Reiley and Ann Coulter (Who got pissed off at the interviewer...then argued that Canada sent troops to Vietnam to support the U.S.)

and the Doctoral Candidate that O'Reiley went off on...


it was pretty much identical with the exception of Ann coulter's little frig up about 'nam!

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They had Al Franken on it making fun of Bill O'Reiley and Ann Coulter (Who got pissed off at the interviewer...then argued that Canada sent troops to Vietnam to support the U.S.)

and the Doctoral Candidate that O'Reiley went off on...


it was pretty much identical with the exception of Ann coulter's little frig up about 'nam!

Ann Coulter, that's the whore i was trying to name.

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haha so true, the glass really is half crazy at Fox. Anyone here seen the movie Outfoxed? Pretty interesting stuff.

Hahaha we watched Outfoxed in PoliSci the other day. It is excellent.


And Ann Coulter just needs to die horribly, that is the only solution.


I wish people would stop paying attention to these assholes, then maybe they would just go away, like the monster under the bed or something.

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why do people pay attention to anything that comes out of this douchenozzle's mouth?

Because he has one of the most watched shows on Fox News? Which, last I heard was still kicking the piss out of CNN for top 24 hour news in American Ratings.


It would be the same as asking why people still listen to anything Pat Robertson says, it's because he has a monstrous soap box on which to stand and give opinions from.


I visited a friend of mine in North Dakota last spring, and they happened to have Fox News, I could sit through it for about 5 minutes before I needed to turn the channel. I felt I was getting dumber by the second.


Hanity is the anti-christ. O'Reilly just holds his pitch fork, while Coulter is his arm candy (shudder). That's about the nicest way I can put things...



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Mario Cuomo-Former NYS Gov.


Cuomo was on Hannity and Colmes, and Hannity asked him a question, but when Cuomo tried to answer Hannity cut him off alot, so Cuomo said, If you are "fair and balanced", do the fair thing and shut it, and be balanced and let me answer, Hannity got really quiet

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