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Guest jsunC


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I dreamt yesterday that I was playing chess with this old man. He puts down this crappy chess board that looks nice but it's basically laminated paper, takes the pieces out of a wooden box and hands me some. This old bastard has a full set for himself but he gives me an odd assortment of pieces that not only are different styles but he doesn't give me a full set (all the pieces are black too). I don't get ANY pawns but oddly enough I have an extra king and queen. Too bad the extra king and queen are to giant to be used on the board. To compensate for no pawns I end up using orange skittles in their place. So he goes first and moves a pawn forward. I try to do the same with one of my "pawns" but he keeps bumping the board. Everytime he bumps the board it bumps all my "pawns" out of place but everything else stays on. The old man ends up cheating and moving a second pawn before I can even make my first move... and I wake up.

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I had a dream last night that Jason from Friday the 13th worked at this video store and was out to kill me and my friends. We took off in a van trying to escape. Then we realized he could just look up our video store accounts and come find us and kill us. It was messed up and that's all I remember. I woke up kinda hyperventilating. It was odd.

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Guest jsunC

yeh, i get that when i nap sometimes. I'll think i was asleep for 20 seconds, but really 4 hours just passed.


I remember another dream i had last night, i was playing texas hold'em for a lot of money. I was dealt a 5&6 of clubs, and got a free flop. The flop was something like A,10,Q clubs, and i thought to myself i have no pairs here im gonna fold. So i folded, and realized after i folded a flush. That was the end of the dream.

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Yeah, it's messed when that happens....



So, to fully get this dream you must know this- there is this really really gay kid, that's actually outright homosexual and wear's lipgloss and dresses femme and talks like a sterotyped gay guy at my work. he also used to go to my school. but anyway, he is REALLY gay.


the dream:

I had a dream that my workplace was for some reason in my basement, and instead of my room and my sisters room etc, it was all cubicles in my basement. i had a dream that while i was helping my customers on the phone, the REALLY gay guy from above was coming on to me and trying to touch me and giggling and shit. i got really pissed of at him but he kept doing it. i finally got pissed and yelled i quit, and went upstairs, where my mom was like "what the f*** are you yelling about???" then i got my coat and decided to leave my house, but the moment i got outside i noticed something... there was two enormous grizzly bears in my driveway. i sprinted back into my house scared shitless. now not being able to go outside because of the obvious danger, my boss shows up and yells at me to get back to work, and for some reason i do, and that gay kid starts being gay again. then i woke up.


it was such a messed dream....

Edited by dancing_invisible
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I had a couple of Hypnagogic sensations a few nights back. I'm lying on my back in bed and at the foot of my bed I see a tall man made of shadow just standing there. He kind of looks like he's wearing a cloak. Since i can't move yet and I'm not fully awake I just watch him. He flakes into ashes and disappears.


This other one was creepy, I'm lying on my side so I can just see my TV. Inside the TV it's dark (because it's turned off). Then things start to look odd, and shapes start appearing darker than the background. I see shadow fish and people swimming inside my tv. One of them swims from far in the background and stops really close to the glass and just sits there. Creeped me out so bad I have to put a blanket over my tv when I sleep now.

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It happens with sleep paralysis. Most everyone has sleep paralysis in their lives at least once but I get it frequently when I sleep on my back for some reason. Freaky shit like that happens so I NEVER sleep on my back, but sometimes I accidentally roll over when I'm sleeping. It's really cool if you look into it. People use to hypnogogic hallucinate witches sitting on their chests and all sorts of demon shit.

Edited by Stryfe
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I had a couple of Hypnagogic sensations a few nights back. I'm lying on my back in bed and at the foot of my bed I see a tall man made of shadow just standing there. He kind of looks like he's wearing a cloak. Since i can't move yet and I'm not fully awake I just watch him. He flakes into ashes and disappears.


This other one was creepy, I'm lying on my side so I can just see my TV. Inside the TV it's dark (because it's turned off). Then things start to look odd, and shapes start appearing darker than the background. I see shadow fish and people swimming inside my tv. One of them swims from far in the background and stops really close to the glass and just sits there. Creeped me out so bad I have to put a blanket over my tv when I sleep now.

When I was really young, I had a bad fever and the numbers on the VCR really freaked me out. I thought I saw something "evil" and felt I was being steamrolled.

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