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not really a sleeping dream, but kinda unconcious


i was sittingon the train and this super hot girl gets on and sits right across from me, and im looking out the window, and i kinda catch a look of her out of the side of my eye, and i guess i was like half-conscious or day dreaming, because it looked like she was taking her shirt off. then i looked over, and she was staring at me

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Ok... I dreamt that I was on the Fraser Bridge in Hope, and I was with my girlfriend. In the dream, somehow it came up in conversation that if she jumped off the bridge I'd dive in after her. Spontaneously, she then proceeded to jump off the bridge into waters that in all reality would kill you. I jumped in after her, and after a huge struggle managed to get us both to shore. Once there I caughed up water and then started yelling at the top of my lungs, and got really mad at her. We didn't really fight, it was just me screaming at how stupid of a move it was. We were both soaking wet, and then I hugged her and woke up.


I don't dream much anymore, let alone sleep much, but that dream was hardcore.

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Last one I had was pretty cool. I'm standing in this concrete office building and it's completely deserted, no chairs, no desks, no people... just concrete and drywall. I can't see any lights but above me is a weak glow. In the glow I notice that I have 5 shadows surrounding me. I kneel down and reach into my first shadow and pull it free from the ground. It's wire thin and man-shaped, has no facial features and seems to be jointless the way it holds itself up. It stands in front of me and at a loss of what to do I tell it to move. It moves... turns out it does anything I say. I rip the other four free and they all follow my orders. Now if I could only do this in the waking world...

Edited by Stryfe
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That's messed, and totally awesome!


I also dreamt that I was in my house in Hope late at night, and I had a whole bunch of people over while my parents were gone away. It was really gross and smoggy outside, and there was no food anywhere in the house, so we decided to order pizza... After a while the pizza arrived, but for some messed reason, the fence to my yard was skyhigh, and we couldn't find a way to open it to let the pizza in. Me and my fiend Kyle decided to dig a slot under the fence to get them. Once we got the pizzas inside, we openned the boxes and the pizzas looked so vile that nobody was willing to eat them, except one. This other guy named Kyler took the pizzas and while in the box put them all in my microwave, which was HUGE for some reason and fit like 4 large boxes of pizza. We told him not to eat it or he'd die, but he ate as much as he could. When he finished eating, he had a heart attack and died on the spot. Confused on hat to do, we all decided to bury him in the yard... While burying him we noticed that the fence not only didn't let the pizza guy in, it wouldn't let us out, and it for some reason boxed in my house. Another one of my friends, Damien, decided to try and climb the fence, but it was so high and there was so much smog, we couldn't see the real height of it. He climbed for about five minutes and went out of our sight, and then all off a sudden a screaming Damien came plummeting down to the earth. We decided to bury our second dead friend too, right next to Kyler. Everyone started searching for a way out, and then out of the blue my parents car pulls up in the part of the driveway on the other side of the fence. My dad gets out, walks over to the fence, flips this bar and pushes it open, then pulls into the driveway. Me and Kyle both looked at eachother, covered in dirt and starving and said "Why didn't we think of that?" and then I woke up.


I remeber telling my friends about it when I had it in grade 7, and we still laugh over it today. That's why I remember it so well.

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I dreamt that a gibbering, mishapen were-wolf was in my room. It danced and capered to and fro and flashed from near and far as I lay unable to move. I finally got fed up with its buffoonery and feeble attemps at frightening me and the strangest thing happened. I'm still paralyzed but I project these disembodied hands and manage to catch it by the neck and start to choke it to death. I can see the fear in its eyes as it weakly tries to evade my grip. Unfortionatly it flashes out of sight before I'm able to snap its neck.

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i had a double wake up last night. i dreamed that some force...i don't know what else to call it...was smothering me in my bed and i couldn't move. totally paralysed. i woke up in a panic from that and went to the bathroom to get a drink of water and get my head together. then i woke up for real. i haven't had a dream like that in a long time. i had dreams a few times before, years ago, where the presence i felt didn't smother me...it was just this really loud noise with no sound (strange, i know, but the only way to describe it) and then i'd wake up, terrified, feeling like there was something in my room. the mind sure can play tricks on itself.

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I had a ton of messed up dreams last night, but I can only remmeber two of them:


1. I'm hanging out with two friends of mine; Amy and Dana, and we're in Amy's car. We'd just finished hanging out, and I was getting out of the car. For some random reason I kiss Dana, she kisses back, and then I was like "whoa, what was that about?" and she goes "who are you going to talk too now, Owen?" and got all mad at me and left.


2. I was in the car with my friend Alex, and he kept swerving into the other side of the road, into oncoming traffic and then pulling a u turn and driving in that direction. I was freaking out and being like "hy are you doing that!?" and he was getting all defensive and saying "what? they stopped, didn't they?"

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So, wow, I had a surprisingly down to earth dream last night. It involved Matthew Good, and I blame my posting here and your $NF.


It started either in a hockey arena, or with hockey on TV, but I ended up being in the hockey arena anyhow. It was the Edmonton Oilers versus the Detroit Red Wings. My family was there, and I sat down with a bunch of people from school. The people started to disappear, and the hockey arena either turned into a school gymnasium (with all the colourful lines and such, it was completely full with people) with those metal collapsible chairs or I fell asleep somewhere.


Anyways, we shuffled out of that small gymnasium into another similar one. The hallways were dark and narrow and crowded and drab like at a school. It turns out there had been some complications concerning the hockey game and it was to be some kids playing baseball instead. This is where Matthew Good enters. He was late or something, some complications involving this concert. No idea how there was a concert relevant in all this, but he was to only sing one song. He gave a short speech, which I must have thought was absolutely spectacular and now completely forget, and then dove into "If I was a Tidal Wave". He didn't look completely like Matt Good. It was sort of like the version posted on YouTube. Then this smiling young basketball player and his mom went to the front and bla bla bla about how happy they were to be going to play basketball. This is probably where I left the dream, because I don't care about basketball. There was some little diversion into Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion as well.


All in all, a rather tame dream. I hope I'm not losing my imagination.

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So I had this really strange dream that I was at a Matthew Good concert, but in actuality I missed it. After the show fans were walking up to him and he was signing posters of himself. I didn't have a cd with me so I asked him to sign one for me. All I remember was that he was REALLY rude and refused to sign one and walked away. I was really annoyed/crushed b/c after all he is my favourite :angry: and then I told him off!! I guess it bothered him so he went on stage apologized & dedicated Tripoli (Acoustic) to me! After the song he came to talk to me and I pulled out my In a Coma Cd (somehow I suddenly had it)for him to sign, and he was talking and laughing and being the nice Matthew Good I met in real life like 3 years ago. After that we parted ways and that is all I remember! Weird eh? ;) Like what does that mean!

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So I had this crazy dream last night but this is the only part I can remember. I find my self standing in the middle of the street with four of my friends. We're confronted by these four faceless men who have flames burning up their arms and shoulders. No words are spoken and I feel no animosty towards these burning men but invariably a fight breaks out. During the fight I can't feel any heat from the flames, so I grab one guy in a bear hug and chomp down on his neck. The blood spraying out of his gaping neck wound drowns the fire he's engulfed in, and I wake up.

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My friends and I have been trying to learn how to lucid dream lately. Anyone else ever manage to do this?

aha i tried to do that for about a week, but then i gave up.

Yeh, xbox 360 would take the ambition away for me too stryfe. that gears of war game looks phenomenal

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