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Hitchhikers Guide

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I just got back from it. If you don't know the books, the movie will provide you with a few hearty chuckels, and little else. If you are a fanatic of the books, you'll love the movie...even though it isn't that good of a movie...


And now for clarification (because usually when I make posts like this, I get shit), I should say that just because a movie isn't good doesn't mean you can't like (or love) it, and just because a movie is good doesn't mean you will like it or love it. Within this logic, HHG is not a very good movie, but I did love it...

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I thought it was great! The books really helped to get it. Sam Rockwell did a great job as Zaphod (who's voice oddly resembled George W. Bush.). Alan Rickman did a great job as Marvin. I didn't really care much for Trillian. She was pretty hot, but that's about it. I was suprised at Mos Def, he did good though he wasn't my first choice for Ford. And the guy who played Arthur was good too. The end.

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Just got back from this film, one that a friend convinced me would be "awesome!"...

well...it was pretty fucking lame.

Besides a few cheap laughs, it was a silly film all around, there was never any real tension, nor did you feel remotely connected to the characters or their respective arcs.

What a wast of talent from the likes of Sam Rockwell and John Malkovich...those dude's are fine actors, maybe it's time to find another agent...


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i got dragged to this crappy movie... it is the worst movie i have ever seen i could not stand it do not post crappy topics like movie that suck the movie was so out there it was 100% for moe's so many problem in that movie and the worst ending ever there are a lot of loop holes. right on, he just given the mice a slap and then problem solved. all of a sudden that guy that makes "earth" starts taking orders from arthur... why? this movie didnt make any sense. you would have to be like 6 to enjoy that movie and the book not much better. i read it to try and make any sense out of the movie. the jokes in the entire movie are not good at all they are the worst. british humor is not funny all it does it take jabs at politicians. the only way that this can be funny is if you follow politics. ever seen family guy when they do that flashback seen "you know what is funny when a man dress like a woman" "yes quite" that is british humor i give them both an F movie and book, for sucking. your moe's for liking that movie

Edited by mikeymackinon
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i got dragged to this crappy movie... it is the worst movie i have ever seen i could not stand it do not post crappy topics like movie that suck the movie was so out there it was 100% for moe's so many problem in that movie and the worst ending ever there are a lot of loop holes. right on, he just given the mice a slap and then problem solved. all of a sudden that guy that makes "earth" starts taking orders from arthur... why? this movie didnt make any sense. you would have to be like 6 to enjoy that movie and the book not much better. i read it to try and make any sense out of the movie. the jokes in the entire movie are not good at all they are the worst. british humor is not funny all it does it take jabs at politicians. the only way that this can be funny is if you follow politics. ever seen family guy when they do that flashback seen "you know what is funny when a man dress like a woman" "yes quite" that is british humor i give them both an F movie and book, for sucking. your moe's for liking that movie

You should try to talk about half as much as you do because you sound like a total idiot. Hate to say it, but you sound like someone who hates smart things because they threaten you, which brings me to question your posting on a Matthew Good message board.


The movie has very little to do with politics, so if, when you say, the only way that this can be funny is if you "follow politics" you mean, "made it into high school," then maybe you have something there.


I loved the movie. If you get it, you will at least like it a little bit. Or be thrown into a confounded rage like Chuckles here. It was very Python, which makes sense considering Adams wrote for them. So if you are a fan of Python, or anything similar, check it out.


I was actually disappointed with Marvin. He really slowed things down a little too much, even though he was pretty funny at some points.

Edited by CaptainRocket
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i got dragged to this crappy movie... it is the worst movie i have ever seen i could not stand it do not post crappy topics like movie that suck the movie was so out there it was 100% for moe's so many problem in that movie and the worst ending ever there are a lot of loop holes. right on, he just given the mice a slap and then problem solved. all of a sudden that guy that makes "earth" starts taking orders from arthur... why? this movie didnt make any sense. you would have to be like 6 to enjoy that movie and the book not much better. i read it to try and make any sense out of the movie. the jokes in the entire movie are not good at all they are the worst. british humor is not funny all it does it take jabs at politicians. the only way that this can be funny is if you follow politics. ever seen family guy when they do that flashback seen "you know what is funny when a man dress like a woman" "yes quite" that is british humor i give them both an F movie and book, for sucking. your moe's for liking that movie

You should try to talk about half as much as you do because you sound like a total idiot. Hate to say it, but you sound like someone who hates smart things because they threaten you, which brings me to question your posting on a Matthew Good message board.


The movie has very little to do with politics, so if, when you say, the only way that this can be funny is if you "follow politics" you mean, "made it into high school," then maybe you have something there.


I loved the movie. If you get it, you will at least like it a little bit. Or be thrown into a confounded rage like Chuckles here. It was very Python, which makes sense considering Adams wrote for them. So if you are a fan of Python, or anything similar, check it out.


I was actually disappointed with Marvin. He really slowed things down a little too much, even though he was pretty funny at some points.

Hey "CaptainRocket," I have some advice for you: try being less of a cry-baby pussy from now on; it makes you sound like a bitch. Also, lose the "CaptainRocket" part of your name, it sounds stupid. So does your real name “Chad” go eat some cheese, now that I think about it. Here's an idea: "Captain Ass Rocket” too good for hair cuts. Also, since you like to piss and moan so much, I have a shampoo recommendation for you (see picture).


P.S. I bust cakes in Janelle.


Edited by mikeymackinon
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Mike, you're opinions are welcome (that's the point of the bored) but I wouldn't start out the gate attacking people. I mean, you're new here, and maybe you haven't noticed, but we all pretty much get along, and even when we don't, civility prevails...


You expressed an opinion, Capt. Rocket replied with his opinions (granted they were a bit personal). What bothers me is that you didn't reply, you retaliated...


This bored hasn't been around for a long time, but I think that Crusader and the other mods have done a great job of keeping it civil, and I think that most of us who've been here a while know where to draw the line. But based on the few posts that I've seen from you, I wonder why you stay, I mean if you're not here for to make friends or get information, then why are you here?


I'm not trying to single you out personally, because a lot of people who come here start off very negatively, but I just read that last post, and I really didn't like it's tone. It was simply far more loud than clever.


Ok. I'm done...

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I've never read the books so untill the previews I'd never heard of it before. Now that I've seen the previews I think it just looks f---ed up. It looks like it could be funny but probably just another pointless Napolean Dynomite type movie.

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It's a bit broader than Napoleon Dynamite, and it's budget is about 10 times bigger (even without including the advertising campaign).


But, that said, this is a movie for fans of the book. It really isn't for a general audience.

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