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London Police Cap Innocent Guy In The Head 7 Times

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You know the story by now. Police in London saw a suspect and told him to freeze, but the guy started to run away from the cops so they shot him 7 times in the head and once somewhere else i believe. But turns out the guy was completely innocent.


How do you stand on this? Were police too reckless on this, or not?


For me, the guy shouldn't have run from the f'ing police, especially in London during these times. Its true what Blair said, if the guy was a terrorist and got away people would criticize the cops then so they were in a lose-lose situation and didn't have much time to think.


Also, they had to shoot to kill. If he was a terrorist like they thought, shooting him in the leg or shoulder wouldn't have done anything because he could have had a bomb and detonated it on the stop.


Crappy situation but IMO its the guy's fault for running.

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Yeah, I hear that. Its horrible and will probably get sensationalized to high hell. But when you get right down to it, he shouldn't have run away from the fucking police. I would think that thats kind of a no brainer.

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Also, the guy was wearing a trench-coat on a hot day. He's not only an idiot for wearing that, but he's also an idiot for running. Why would anyone run from the cops if the whole country was on high-alert??!!? Not saying he deserved to get shot, but any innocent person that runs should be shot! hahaha so cruel!

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Also, the guy was wearing a trench-coat on a hot day. He's not only an idiot for wearing that, but he's also an idiot for running. Why would anyone run from the cops if the whole country was on high-alert??!!? Not saying he deserved to get shot, but any innocent person that runs should be shot! hahaha so cruel!

His work visa was expired.

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i also gotta add: nice aim by the Brit police. 7 out of 8 shots to the head? Holy shit. (thats not supposed to sound insensitive).

Oh, you would be surprised how accurate you can be when the suspect is pinned to the floor.

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Chances are they were already on edge after the bombings. Wasn't there a guy who got shot nearly 100 times in NYC last year? Something like 15 cops opened up on him if I remember correctly...

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unbeliavable... and by mistake... where is all this taking us to? British behaving like Americans, that is, doing whatever they want... is all permitted in our society nowadays? how can someone just shoot 7 or 8 shoots at someone's head just because they think he may be a terrorist?


can't understand (and share, and accept, or course) this behavior...

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and now they "regret" having done that and ask for excuses to that man's family... unbelievable they shot before asking... is that democracy?


Britain is becoming the USA lil by lil...

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Juanpe you have to think about the circumstances man. There had just been some attacks, the cops were under pressure, they see a man in a trench coat on a sunny day, they told him to stop and he ran......


I would have done the exact same thing if I was in their shoes. When you're out there, you have no time to second-guess. That guy could had bomb strapped to him and he was about to go onto a train.


So before you claim that Britain is turning into a mini-America, think about what was going on at the time.

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Yeah, if I remember right, the guy took off running towards a subway tunnel. I really can't blame the police, had he really been a terrorist we would have all been sing there praises. It's a bad situation all around.

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Juanpe you have to think about the circumstances man. There had just been some attacks, the cops were under pressure, they see a man in a trench coat on a sunny day, they told him to stop and he ran......


I would have done the exact same thing if I was in their shoes. When you're out there, you have no time to second-guess. That guy could had bomb strapped to him and he was about to go onto a train.


So before you claim that Britain is turning into a mini-America, think about what was going on at the time.

Having read the truth of the matter, do you still hold to your short-sighted opinion?

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I bet everyone is over hearing about this.. but just in case anyone was interested.. I was in London when this happened.


Number one The news said they found out the reason he was running is because his student *maybe it WAS work sorry* visa had expired and he didnt want to get deported.


Number two.. it WASNT HOT AT ALL. lol maybe its because Im from Oklahoma but the whole time I was in England it was cold and rainy.. it didnt get over 65 the whole time.. and that particular day was like 50s maybe. so for a foreigner to be in a coat on this day was completely understandable. i know I would have been in one had I had one. i thought oh its summer... nevermind. dont think that.. think ITS ENGLAND.. but then you guys know about cold you live in Canada.


Number three.. 7 out of 8 shots.. now I know this isnt MUCH of an excuse.. but guns are not something that the British carrying around all the time. in fact they are outlawed there. You guys probably know this. Their law enforcement YES should be better with them but they probably only really had them because of the recent terrorist attacks. I might be wrong here.


but yeah I thought it was horrible when I heard about it. I couldnt believe it. but thinking about that.. I bet England can count on one hand how many times they have shot an innoncent man in the past ten years or something.. wheres as the US forget it.. we probably do it all the time.. I dont know about Canada. So the shock was huge in England when they found out this guy was just a student trying not to get deported.


okay thats me trying to be news savvy.

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