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Guest jsunC


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ok, i just woke up from a nap, so i remember most of the dream i had



I dreamt i was driving around Moorhead, Minnesota (the city I used to live in) and for some reason I picked up Bruce Willis. and we were driving around, he asked me, "why do they allow their to be all these crack-houses on 8th Street." I told him it allows the police to keep there eyes on them a lot easier. then we got to an intersection and across the street was a police officer. I told Bruce how I tense up when I see an officer. He told me that I don't need to worry because that particular cop isn't even looking at me. the cop eventually pulled away, but for some reason my light just wasn't changing. then i woke up.


wrap your head(s) around that Dr. Freud

Edited by sodamntired
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Something about the department of chemistry owning a bike shop. And I got free t-shirts for being a chemistry student. Also I ended up doing awesome on my final exams and was validated as a human being, for I both excelled in my ongoing case study of the effects of alcohol on the underage male body AND in my real studies.


Secretly, I just want science to be more like engineering. Those guys are some hardcore motherfuckers. And most eng students aren't lame as fuck.

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I had an insane dream last night. It was even NF related! My first one ever.


So I'm out on a trip with my family, and we end up going to this spooky haunted mansion. We're touring through it, and it's actually really fucking scary. Black shadows are darting around in the corners of my eyes, and through doorways, etc, and I'm getting freaked out. We don't make it all the way through, so we decide to sleep there.


We find a bedroom, and there's some mints. My mom and step dad infor me that I have to feed the pillow a mint every so often, or it'll come alive and bite my ear off. They put one down on it, and lie down, but I'm all freaked out, cuz I don't know how often I need to wake up and re-apply he mint, and I don't want to get my blood sucked by some crazy-ass pillow, so I take the car and leave.


I'm driving around randomly, looking for a place to sleep when I remember the Offical NF Gathering! I book it down and am let in by Anton, who seems a little annoyed to see me.


I walk into his house, and Adam, Lauren, Tracy, and him are there. I'm fucking starving, so I grab a burger (which annoys Anton even more) and try to engage in some awkward conversation. Tracy wants none of it, Adam seems unimpressed, and Anton looks like he wants me out of his house, because I'm not oldschool/cool enough. Lauren is looking at me like she's raping me with her eyes, and I'm just sitting there trying to enjoy my burger when I wake up.


Whack, no? Last time I post here right before bed.

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That is such an awesome dream! Haha! It reminds me of one I had a little while ago. I can't believe I didn't think to post it because it was bored related too. I think I told Adam about it maybe. I dreamed that a bunch of us were all going to some sort of school or something together, and we seemed to have lived together in a dorm or something like that.

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I want to be in people's dreams!

I think you were in mine actually! You're blond right? I think I've seen a picture of you before. There were a lot of NFers in my dream, it was pretty crazy seeing you all in person like that. I'm sure I made everyone out to be something different than they actually are though, since all I know is how I perceive you on here.

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