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Guest jsunC


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k so i'm bumping this thread 'cause it's matt good related!


so everyone from the bored was going to the same matt good concert, and we were meeting him at an amusement park for some reason, and it was connected to a future shop. so he was going to go around the park with one group and he joined ours. so it was me, tim, beth, and beth's sister (i have no idea).


so we were on this ferris wheel and it was huge and i didn't have a seatbelt on and then it went upside down and noone else reacted but i was fucking scared. and then we were driving in tim's car and suddenly we were driving on water and had to park at a dock. getting out of the car was hard 'cause we were lower than the dock and we couldn't get water in the car.


then matt took us on a tour of behind the stage, and there was this guy teaching a class about fish and he held up a fish and explained that it keeps it's offspring in it's armpit and then he cut it out and i was like "OH MY GOD THATS DISGUSTING" and i was upset that this guy killed the fish. so matt put his arm on my shoulder and was like "its okay" and i was like "THE BABY IS IN ITS ARMPIT!" and then he took the baby fish and showed us it's offspring 'cause his skin was seethrough and he was like "look, it's constipated" and then he put it down matt's pants and he had to get undressed so i was like "alright, alright, alright!" ;)

Edited by Ravenous megin-sane
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My friend had a dream about driving on water last week.


This morning I had a dream about baseball sized raspberries, three brothers being stuck in a ditch and some sort of war zone down the street from my house where I witnessed a couple of people being shot. For some reason this all seemed somewhat normal to me. It disturbs me how tolerant and desensitized I am in the dream world, but it's interesting to be able to experience things that I would never want to in real life, and be fearless because I know it's not real. I love dreaming.

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I heard somewhere that one can't read while in a dream state, but I'm fairly certain that's a complete load.

It's not that you're unable to read, it's that your brain doesn't do continuity well. For example, if you were reading a book in your dream, and you went back to reread the sentence you just read, it wouldn't say the same thing. Same with clocks. If you look at a clock twice in a dream, it will show a different time.

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I refuse to post in the other thread. This one was first and it's better!


I had a dream that I was playing Magic with my mom, astep dad, sister and grandma. I was winning, but not by much, and they were all getting pissed off at me for some reason. Jeff eptied his whole hand against me and I remeber wanting to storm off in frustration ;)

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that was so long ago, sean.


anyways, my dream last night was fucked.

jeremy killed someone and wanted me to hide the body and he couldn't understand why i didn't want to get involved. and he was that yoko did it was john and i said that john was innocent so it was different.

then we had to take some trash out and there was someone else who killed someone and i knew before we got there 'cause there was a line of blood and the killers left and i was like "we have to call the police!" and a dog came and moved this rolled up carpet and it started to smell really bad, and it was obviously the body.


then i woke up.

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When I woke up, I remembered not what I had dreamt last night, but a dream I had years ago, which involved having a race in some caves, on... hover-bikes? I'm not really sure. Then people (no one I knew in real life) started were being killed randomly. I went to different cave-rooms and found stuff (weapons and food), and then I remember running away from a group of people in weird foggy woods outside the main entrance to the cave. It wasn't actually scary or anything, though. My dreams are more like me watching movies.

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