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Guest jsunC


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I had an awesome one last night.


I was living on a native reserve, but it had a subway station, a shady downtown area, etc. I was licing with this girl from school, and we were lovers who were trying to take it down from the inside....by killing all of the natives. This frequently happened in huge standoffs where I'd end up with arrows in my leg.


I personally murdered two of them with blutn objects, but there was this super annoying guy who I couldn't get, as he never stepped inside my house for more than 30 or 40 seconds. Luckily my hot partner and I joked that he was such a little twerp, he wasn't liekly to be contacted by anyone.


The best part about it? I had an awesome one-liner. I killed one of the archer women, and her dying words were a native proverb that was something like "the bear watches over the octopus." My retort? "What the fuck? The octopus lives in water, and the bear DRINKS water. Pretty big conflict of interest if you ask me."


Edit: Oh man, there's more coming back to me (I can only ever remeber bits and pieces of my dreams at a time, even though I woke up literally 10 minutes ago.)


There was this one part where I was in a subway station with my buddy, and we had to take a leak. Except...I couldn't. I don't know anything about dream symbolism, but if anyone does, look up inability to piss for me. I stodd there for like, 20 minutes. Then later, my hot partner was getting horny and she was like "you can have me until the informant gets here" but I was like "fuck, I gotta go to the bathroom first."


Also, during one of the sieges on the natives, my buddy and I were scaling a fence as arrows rained down and were joking about how you'd describe a barrage of arrows to the police. "Huh? Oh I'm just practicing my archery, officer. Everyone else on the reserve is too? In the exact same direction? WHAT A CRAZY COINCIDENCE!!!"

Edited by Prometheon
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...your retort isn't that good


when is an octopus and a bear going to be near the same body of water?

Exactly. When are they going to be near enough that the bear can "watch over" the octopus?


It was a dream, it doesn't make sense! Sue me.

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i woke up and dry-heaved the other night because of a dream. it involved some kinda guerrilla warfare jungle stuff er something. i was kinda there, and kinda watching it like a movie at the same time. anyway, the thing that made me dry-heave was this bit where these jungle native looking dudes told this other dude they were gonna eat him. the view flipped from them to him, and he had spears going every which way through his face and head. i popped awake, and dry-heaved at the same time. it was fucking weird.

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I had a dream that I was playing hockey (I stopped playing a few years ago). We were halfway through the game and for some reason I'd forgotten my gloves. (I have a thing about hands). so I headed back to the dressing room, only I couldn't find it. Everyone laughed at me and told me where it was. I then tried to return to the rink, but I couldn't find that either. When I finally returned, the game was over.


this one was hardly subtle

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I had a dream that this guy I used to like was talking to me and my sister, and my sister was talking and he kept interrupting her, so I kept screaming at him to shut up.


Yeah, I have uninteresting dreams. Most of the time I dream about going on the internet (which shows I have no life. Awesome.)

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I find that the symbols and meanings of my dreams are surprisingly easy to understand , when I think about it. each individual is in the best position to decipher hteir own dreams.


anton probably feels that there's more than one person impeding his progress/happiness.(purposefully or inadvertently). maybe he's been the recipient of multiple acts of spite


perhaps spring feels some sort of guilt about neglecting her sister because of a boy. who knows

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Picture a neanderthal-lookin' guy in a rain poncho with protruding teeth at the sides of his otherwise closed mouth, and the helpful statement from on high: "environmentalists call these side-teeth"

Edited by Sparq
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Last night I had a dream that I was on the current season of Big Brother and I kept asking one of the people if they wanted cheerios, and if they wanted them with milk and I had to keep asking and asking coz someone else was getting me to ask for them.


The finally collected they're cheerios, then said "But I didn't want milk in them, I wanted it on the side." So I told them "You'll have to go ask cheerios over there" coz I forgot the guy's name.


Then I woke up.

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