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Guest jsunC


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I had a dream last night that there was this strange grasshopper-beatle hybrid and there were thousands in my house. I tried to get rid of them but made the situation worse. My mom was there and said I didn't do the right thing but she would fix it. She had one perched on each shoulder and she opened her mouth to say some kind of spell to make them back off and there was one in her mouth. It freaked me right out and I woke up instantly.

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In my dream I was at my cousin's place for some big dinner. There was a huge buffet, with many meat options, but even in my dream I didn't want any of it. I filled my plate with veggie options and then someone stole my plate or something so I had to get another one. I didn't get the chance to eat before I woke up. Now I'm pretty damn hungry.

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I had a dream that I was nailing Lindsay Lohan and then I woke up with herpes. That's obviously a lie, because who dreams of nailing Lindsay Lohan anymore?


I actually can't remember the last dream I had.

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I had a dream the other night that I had to go back to grade 8. At the end of the day I couldn't get my lock open so I missed my schoolbus home but my teacher said it was ok, that she would drive me home because she lives by me. Then I asked her if I could just not take the bus anymore so I wouldn't be so stressed and just DRIVE to school since I'm an adult. I had to go sit in the office and ask for permission.

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I had a dream the other night that I had to go back to grade 8. At the end of the day I couldn't get my lock open so I missed my schoolbus home but my teacher said it was ok, that she would drive me home because she lives by me. Then I asked her if I could just not take the bus anymore so I wouldn't be so stressed and just DRIVE to school since I'm an adult. I had to go sit in the office and ask for permission.

I have a lot of dreams about going back to public/high school, but they're definitely a bi-product of the depression. (I had to drop out of college because of my dianosis, and I really, really want to go back.) They're comforting because I usually end up going back for some kind of art; but yet they can be extremely embarrassing because I end up forcing my school to accept me into a grade 9 music class because I insist I need the brush up for a theory exam. ;)

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What does dreaming about school have to do with depression? And why would you have to drop out of college if it's something that makes you happy (this is an assumption from you wanting to go back so badly)? I don't mean to be rude, I'm just curious.


I haven't been remembering my dreams past the first few seconds of wakefulness recently, which is kind of nice because I can start my day right away without wanting to dissect them.

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ok...this gets a but personal and detailed be it will be cathartic for me.



I have had nightmares/epic dreams since as long as I can remember. I recall waking up screaming at a very early age, perhaps as young as 3 years old. As I got older the nightmares were less scary and the dreams became more of an epic, multi-chaptered occurance. I can have a dream one night and a few days later a continuation of that dream. It's weird and some of the subject matter is quite bizaar. Obviously some of the dreams are of an anticipatory nature of things on he horizon in my life(sporting events/concerts, etc). But others are deep and dark. Since my Dad passed away in 1993, he has shown up in various situations in these dreams. I never recall him being in any of my dreams before his passing. I think sometimes he is trying to communicate with me from the other side.


Over the years the dreams have come and gone with no rhyme or reason. I never knew why until now.


Since my mid-teens I have been known to enjoy the occasional doobie with my stoner friends. Upon doing some research I have found that THC inhibits the dream "cog" in your brain. Lately I have been totally abstaining from the partaking as I am seeking new employment and will eventually be required to provide a urine sample. My dreams have been wild and weird and even scary. I thought I would do some research on other sysmtoms I have been experiencing while I have been on reefer hiatus. That's where I stumbled onto the data on THC and its effect on dreams.


It's weird, the things I have been dreaming about. I almost can't wait to be able to party again.

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What does dreaming about school have to do with depression? And why would you have to drop out of college if it's something that makes you happy (this is an assumption from you wanting to go back so badly)? I don't mean to be rude, I'm just curious.

It's an extremely long story, so I'll try to be quik about it.


When I was getting ready to go off to school, I originally was going to go for music, but I just couldn't get to Toronto to the audition, so I ended up settling for a media fundimentals course at my community college. Big mistake. A month before I started college, my boyfriend dumped me - which lead to the bipolar diagnosis. Just my luck, he also attended this college, which ended up causing massive panic attacks. By the end of the first semester, I was already on at lest two different medication for the depression and the bipolar, and one use as needed medication for the panic attacks called Ativan. I ended up continuously oversleeping on a regular basis and when I did get to school on time, I would pass out in class. I did not complete the course, and I didn't have the money or engery to try again the next year. That was three years ago. I'm still down right ashamed that I screwed up my education that badly, even though it was completely out of my control. I want to go back extremely badly, because I love to learn and I'm at home in creative environments. One of these days, I will. ;) However, until that day comes, I will probably continue to have dreams reminding me of the failure.

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ok...this gets a but personal and detailed be it will be cathartic for me.



I have had nightmares/epic dreams since as long as I can remember. I recall waking up screaming at a very early age, perhaps as young as 3 years old. As I got older the nightmares were less scary and the dreams became more of an epic, multi-chaptered occurance. I can have a dream one night and a few days later a continuation of that dream. It's weird and some of the subject matter is quite bizaar. Obviously some of the dreams are of an anticipatory nature of things on he horizon in my life(sporting events/concerts, etc). But others are deep and dark. Since my Dad passed away in 1993, he has shown up in various situations in these dreams. I never recall him being in any of my dreams before his passing. I think sometimes he is trying to communicate with me from the other side.


Over the years the dreams have come and gone with no rhyme or reason. I never knew why until now.


Since my mid-teens I have been known to enjoy the occasional doobie with my stoner friends. Upon doing some research I have found that THC inhibits the dream "cog" in your brain. Lately I have been totally abstaining from the partaking as I am seeking new employment and will eventually be required to provide a urine sample. My dreams have been wild and weird and even scary. I thought I would do some research on other sysmtoms I have been experiencing while I have been on reefer hiatus. That's where I stumbled onto the data on THC and its effect on dreams.


It's weird, the things I have been dreaming about. I almost can't wait to be able to party again.

I've heard that THC can actually induce psychosis, I would have thought that your dreams would be less stressful after removing that from your system. :S Weird that it can induce hallucinations while you're awake but tame your dreams down when you sleep.

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last night i woke up and looked over to a corner of my room (this corner has floor to ceiling windows, and usually inhabits a glass desk that my girlfriend uses to do her makeup and whatnot) to see a cow standing in the corner, sleeping standing up, with a rope tied around its neck slung down to the floor and tied to a post. i freaked out, thinking "how the hell did this cow get in the room, and how am i going to get the cow out of my house without there being some kind of fight" then i looked over at my two dogs that were sleeping on the floor beside the bed and thought "why the hell aren't the dogs barking?". i didnt get out of bed because i was scared of waking it up.

i started to ponder about how this cow could have got into the room and the only possible explanation i could come up with is that it was born here and grew up to be this big. (that was my honest solution to the question, then i started stressing after trying to figure out a way to remove it).

i decided to lay down and come to grips with this problem, i feel asleep... woke up a few minutes later, checked to see if the cow was there, looked over at the dogs and went back to sleep. the next time i woke up, it was light out and i realized it was the desk, a chair and some clothes folded over the chair.


fucking strange.

Edited by BOHICA
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last night i woke up and looked over to a corner of my room (this corner has floor to ceiling windows, and usually inhabits a glass desk that my girlfriend uses to do her makeup and whatnot) to see a cow standing in the corner, sleeping standing up, with a rope tied around its neck slung down to the floor and tied to a post. i freaked out, thinking "how the hell did this cow get in the room, and how am i going to get the cow out of my house without there being some kind of fight" then i looked over at my two dogs that were sleeping on the floor beside the bed and thought "why the hell aren't the dogs barking?". i didnt get out of bed because i was scared of waking it up.

i started to ponder about how this cow could have got into the room and the only possible explanation i could come up with is that it was born here and grew up to be this big. (that was my honest solution to the question, then i started stressing after trying to figure out a way to remove it).

i decided to lay down and come to grips with this problem, i feel asleep... woke up a few minutes later, checked to see if the cow was there, looked over at the dogs and went back to sleep. the next time i woke up, it was light out and i realized it was the desk, a chair and some clothes folded over the chair.


fucking strange.

hahaha those incoherent middle of the night moments are hilarious to have, give you such a quizzical feeling in the morning

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hahaha, that story made my night.


speaking of animals, last week i dreamed that i was playing dead in some sort of cave because of a bear. then i actually was the bear. not only was i in the body of a bear, but i was also on a boat in rough water, surrounded by mountains. talk about trippy. i love dreaming.

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i had a dream last night that i was standing outside this bar called 'chill winston'. anyways, an armoured car pulled up, one guy got out in front of the two guards holding a bix of cash, carrying this tiny little gun in a total offensive stance, cruing everyone from head to toe with it. a cop walking the beat walked by, i asked him about it and he muttered something and threw his can of pop into the bushes as he walked away.

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Hahaha, I had an interesting one. I was on a bus that served full meals, and had just finished my soup, but I had reached my stop. It was The Keg (kind of dumb to eat before going to The Keg, but whatever.)


Anyway, I needed to walk through a school to get there, and for some reason I was walking extra shadily. A parent gives me a dirty look as I walk by, and I overhear her saying "...so if anyone wants to just walk in and snatch a kid, they just do so?"


Offended, I step outside into a HUGE expansive valley with rolling slops and mountains, etc. There are 3 groups of kids, each consisting of 2 single-file lines and seperated by a bit of a mountain. I run out and yell "Alright guys! Listen up! Everyone who wants to play a game, line up by me!" and all of the kids start running towards me.


The mother is mortifed that I can can her precious children to listen to a total stranger so easily, and as the kids come closer I realize that they are the kids I taught and played with this Summer (in waking life.)


I have a couple heartfelt moments with them (ask about their soccer team, how far they made it, etc) and wake up in a fantastic mood ;)

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I dreamt last night that I was sitting next to my ex-fiance, and we were watching children playing in the sand. We were holding hands, and she was telling me about all of these things that I'd missed being at work all day. Playing with the children was a teenage boy that looked just liked us, and I knew it was him. I looked back at her, and then stood up and ran for the water fully dressed, with the children running after me, laughing and yelling.


I woke up with a lump in my throat, and a terrible sense of longing, and a deeper sense of sadness. I wrapped my arms around the girl, and went back to sleep.

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Last night's dream genuinely ended up with me and our mam agreeing to strangle some attacker to death.


From what I can remember, we had him under control but he'd managed to escape our efforts a couple of times, and seemed dead set on killing us (once with a hidden razor blade, crafty bugger !) so we felt the best solution was to strangle him with the chord from my tracky bottoms while he was out for the count. This ensured we wouldn't need to worry about our justice system failing us ("he'll be out in 10 !"), and that 'cos it was the chord from my bottoms, it'd look sufficiently impromptu and therefore it'd be deemed as reasonable self-defence.


All this with two untreated gunshot wounds sustained much earlier on.

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