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I actually remembered a dream this morning.


Not sure what the context was about, apparently I was travelling...I dunno...but I seemed to have visited Beth's bakery (soundless_space)...don't even ask about the name, I know there was one but I don't remember what I was seeing.


EDIT: I didn't even get to taste anything ;)

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in my dream i was at my cottage but it was actually jeremy's cottage and there were a lot of people there so we had to be creative with sleeping arrangements. jeremy was getting that ready while i watched a moive and then i came up for dinner and saw that he just set up sleeping bags in the backyard and i told him i wasn't going to sleep out there 'cause of the deer (i have a paralyzing fear of deer) and he was like 'there aren't any deer' and i was like 'look outside' and there were 3 deer walking around.


then my sister asked if i was scared and jeremy told her i wouldn't and i was like 'thanks for your insight, jeremy, but yes i'm fucking scared' and i was so furious and i left and then i woke up really mad at jeremy.


the end.

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I keep having dreams where I have to go back to highschool. The other night it was the first day of school and no one gave me my locker assignment or my classes and I had no idea why I had to go back. A couple nights ago I had to write the grade 10 math final. Fucked up.

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And now you're talking about how your highschool year book is old and a waste of space while you clean your room. Strange...


Edit: And last night I had a dream about this girl Lauren that I sort of had a thing with in the Summer. It pretty much ended badly before it began, and we haven't talked since. I dreamed that we were hanging out at a pool and discussing something that I now forget. It was quite bizarre.

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i dreamt i owned a retail store that sold outdoor performance clothing, but there was a problem with the building. the pipes burst in the walls and tons of foam started filling up the room. i ran out of there and got into a sweet porsche convertible and took off. i was driving like crazy but didn't realize the car had a manual transmission so i kept hitting the limiter.


when i returned to the building i saw a guy who used to work for me smash a hole in the wall, go up into the ceiling then drop into my 'store' and steal a bunch of my products. then he admitted to it, returned it all and the dream was over.

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i dreamt i owned a retail store that sold outdoor performance clothing, but there was a problem with the building. the pipes burst in the walls and tons of foam started filling up the room. i ran out of there and got into a sweet porsche convertible and took off. i was driving like crazy but didn't realize the car had a manual transmission so i kept hitting the limiter.


when i returned to the building i saw a guy who used to work for me smash a hole in the wall, go up into the ceiling then drop into my 'store' and steal a bunch of my products. then he admitted to it, returned it all and the dream was over.

Lmao. Even your dreams are about business.



My latest dream:


I am male, and I am an exile from a society in the woods of Virginia, U.S. I have been exiled for putting the moves on a sexy youngin' and being all around mischievous. She looks like Hayden Penettiere and we meet secretly despite my exile. This girl's mom takes the form of my real life mother. I am caught trying to associate with her and put on trial, but let back into the society.


Matthew Good comes across the lake to the society and performs a new song he has written. EVERYONE loves it; I can actually recall what it sounds like, although I forget the lyrics. The song is about the singer from Pink Floyd for some reason.


It just so happens that we are in the woodland society because the human race is being ruled by evil robots and we are barely holding on. Matthew Good is a great general and along with song lyrics and downloadable MP3s, he's got war plans on his computer (which happen to appear in a format quite similar to my real-life school's class resource, BlackBoard). I don't know how we have wireless internet in the woods, but we do...


We put on our war garb and make a move to attack the plant that captures humans and manufactures machines. Matt Good and many people in our party are entangled in a series of odd tubes and encased in amniotic fluid-esque material, but after we attack the main reactor, everyone is saved.

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How do you people do this?


I tend to get something more along the lines of 'a thing and a place and some people but the details escape me aside from the inevitable failure'. and there are never happy endings. Main reactor? Hollywood style.

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How do you people do this?


I tend to get something more along the lines of 'a thing and a place and some people but the details escape me aside from the inevitable failure'. and there are never happy endings. Main reactor? Hollywood style.

I try to talk about the exciting dreams with the first person I see, and it helps me remember the details. ;)


But trust me, most of my dreams suck too. They are me cheating on my boyfriend with a multitude of real-life hot male friends. Or me pregnant. Or something equally horrid. >.<

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Mine last night was weird, but i knew i was dreaming. Totally fucked, i just remember this darkness and my mind being like, you're in a dream, get out of it, and i literally pulled myself out of a dream. Waking up, my head hurt and I was like whoah thats totally fucked, ive never consciously been in a dream where i had control, anad last night it happened, and i was able to know i was sleeping and wake myself up.


Anyone ever get that?

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i dreamt I was in a philosophy (which I hate) class at work (what?) and my boss asked me who is the best worker here? and I said the table was the best worker cause it just sits there. a co-worker can break up with his girlfriend, but it will still be here, everyday, and nothing will affect it. for some reason, Anna was there, and she thought my answer was very deep.


paging dr. freud.

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Not me, supercanuk. I've been able to tell that I'm dreaming, but usually that results in crappiness like me not being able to open doors or flip light switches. And I can't escape the dream.


That is deep, in a way, sodamntired. The table stands the test of time while workers may come and go, and be emotionally affected. ;)


littlemisssunshine, it's all your fault!!


I didn't have memorable dreams last night...

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Mine last night was weird, but i knew i was dreaming. Totally fucked, i just remember this darkness and my mind being like, you're in a dream, get out of it, and i literally pulled myself out of a dream. Waking up, my head hurt and I was like whoah thats totally fucked, ive never consciously been in a dream where i had control, anad last night it happened, and i was able to know i was sleeping and wake myself up.


Anyone ever get that?

Yup...it's called lucid dreaming and it kicks ass.

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Of course, no human being can ever be sure they did it. It's like claiming you can tell the difference between a convincing hallucination of a crow and just a regular-ass crow.


Last night's escapades involved motorcycles on a dirt trail, a war veterans meeting inexplicably located in a sandpit, supercanuk walking off the end of a shattered bridge and ending up minus an arm in a cartoonish fashion, and random gunplay against a faceless opposing force.

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i dreamt i was a famous electronica dj and after my girlfriend and i left a show, we stepped outside and saw a leopard sneaking up on a little girl. my dog ran after it to scare it off and the leopard ended up chasing my dog around a park and killing it.


i found my dog struggling to get up all soaked with blood, trying to say something to me.


fucking freaked me out.

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That is deep, in a way, sodamntired. The table stands the test of time while workers may come and go, and be emotionally affected. ;)

I told this dream to Anna on the phone tonight, and she said it sounded very deep and complex. she also added that the table IS the hardest worker there because it is there first thing in the morning and it stays there all night.


weird, i know.


also thinking about my dream. i am kind of impressed how smart I can be. my talking about the table and it's importance, it made perfect sense to me while I was watching this dream, because the dream was created by my brain.....

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i am kind of impressed how smart I can be. my talking about the table and it's importance, it made perfect sense to me while I was watching this dream, because the dream was created by my brain.....

Plus the table lets you use it over and over and over without saying a word.


All of this must only mean one thing: your brain is smart!

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Anyone care to spin this one off? Anyone at all?

I can. I have lucid dreams at least two times a week. I generally love them, but they can be a total bitch too.


Sometimes they can be, uh...lovely? ;) Let's just say my inner groupie comes out in the best ones... :angry: (The God's honest truth, mind you: Matt has yet to be involved in one...)


A lot of the time, they're about getting myself out of potentially sticky situations, like getting out of the path of a tornado or running from a combat situation. About half way through, I can hear myself announce it's a just a dream but still go through the motions of finding cover for myself, my cat (who can all of a sudden talk to me), my sister, all the Girl Guides and Sparks in Sarnia and Paul McCartney.


The worst though is when I have, what I perceive as nightmares/terrors. Because I can generally bring myself down from a state of panic during disasters and war, they're not a problem. It's when I'm dreaming about the stuff that's bothering me in real life is when it becomes fucking scary. In real life, I am bi-polar and I have massive panic attacks, and back a couple of years ago, I went like six months straight of these fucking vivid dreams revolving around the events that lead to the diagnosis. I would actually wake up and my day would be ruined before I even opened my eyes - the dreams dealt with the shit I was putting up with in real life, so why should I wake up if it wasn't going to get any better?


Turns out the reason I was having them so frequently was because I was on a medication that produced night terrors as a side effect. I still have those panic dreams on occasion - I had a doozy a few months ago that set me back a few steps (long story) - but they're not as severe and I can convince myself in the dream that it's going to be alright. :angry:

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