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Guest jsunC


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i dreamed about hooking up a peavey jsx head and 4X12 cab in the parking lot of a superstore the other night, and playing the opening riff of bloodline by slayer. it was weird, cuz the amp and song were specific, and it seemed perfectly normal to be doing that in the parking lot, while i was dreaming it. i laughed when i woke up.

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Man, okay,


So when my dream started off I was just hanging out with two of my friends, Damien and Kyle, and my girlfriend Caitlin... Then while we were going for a walk in a small forest behind this giant building, all the plants and wildlife, including insect, grew 10 times the size they should be... All the plants became sentient but had really limited movement, scraping or whipping us when they had the chance. Eventually we found our way back to the giant building which was now reminiscent of Castlevania and was immersed in light mist. Somehow we all came to the conclusion that we had to get to the top of the castle, and we started climbing massive stairwells and walking hallways that were ill-lit and scary as hell. Once we made it to the top the whole castle place started shaking and falling apart, being pulled apart piece by piece and sucked into a vortex.. We had to jump around and grab old rusty pipes to prevent ourselves from faling with the debris or getting pulled away by the vortex thing which seemed like it was in the giant forest.. Damien ended up falling into the vortex, and I remember everyone watching him float away(Everything was floating towards this vortex much slower that free fall speed). Eventually the vortex this died down and we made our way down through the broken debris to ground level. For some reason we all just headed home after that.. But that's not where it ends.... Kyle wanted to watch a movie. I told him to put it in, and then I went down a hallway to fetch some snacks. While walking down the hallway something invisible grabbed my neck and lifted me into the air. It then told me the video was cursed and that anyone who watches it dies(Kinda like the Ring?). While holding me in the air this invisible thing floated towards Kyle, who for some reason couldn't hear me gasp for breath or see me flailing around three feet in the air. The thing that was holding me then told me he could see or hear me, and that I get to watch him die.


That where it just got cut off. I only remember because I explained the dream right when I woke up to Caitlin as we got ready for work. As weird as the dream sounds it was kind of a nightmare, the whole thing was frightening.

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Well it was a malicious jumble of half-formed thoughts. There was my workplace, which was a hospital for some reason, that guy from corner gas, the receptionist, a cell phone, two handguns, and some random guy having a heart attack.

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i had a really weird dream, too!


it was like a mix of spiderman and cloverfield. i was in this town and there was a drunk bum named charlie. he was talking to this little, crazy ass girl named charlie and she was on a bike. then she left to find something and directed drunk charlie to wait for her there. so i started talking to drunk charlie and a car drove by and a spider web flew out and hit charlie. he was too drunk to do anything other than fall over. then suddenly the ground started shaking and there was a crashing coming from a couple blocks over. then out of no where marky mark shows up and me and him were a couple and he was like ARE YOU OKAY?! and we told him we were. then we had to find a place to stay so there was this house up the street, so we ran over and the front door was locked so we went to to the back and i found a door. it was a art museum and i had stuff in there, so they let us in. i was yelling at drunk charlie to hurry but he was taking his sweet ass time. marky mark was like ' i have to go help the others' and i was all girlfriend-y and like 'no! you can't go! not without me!" and he was like "ohh meg! but i have to!" and then drunk charlie was like "WHeRES OTHER ChARLIE?!" and i was like "DRUNK CHARLIE WE DON'T KNOW!!"



and then i woke up 'cause my mom started taking the sheets off of my sister's bed, not knowing i was sleeping in it.

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I dreamed Kevin and I went on vacation to Disneyland, dressed a hamburger and hot dog. I was the hamburger.


We road Thunder Mountain, and went home to go back to work. Work being Disneyland Vancouver.


The background song was S Club 7's "Reach for the Stars".


How odd.

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